
I'm a little late on this, but this game is dope. I downloaded it when it was free on PS Plus and it totally hooked me, even though I hate bullet hells and don't play fighters.

That's gonna leave a mark.

Aren't 90 percent of Ben Folds songs written on the other side of a disintegrated relationship? As much as I love his music, dude's been married like four times and he's not shy about writing poison pen letter songs.

I dunno. Have you ever done guided mindfulness medtitation? It's a pretty good parody, but I agree the joke wears thin about 2/3 of the way through.

ROAR is unbelievable. I knew exactly what I was getting into and it was still the most stressful movie going experience of my life, and it's really fun to watch in a full theater. Truly truly bonkers. Some great background on the history here:

I thought I would be playing a lot of Bloodborne but I've reached a stumbling block at one of the early bosses that demolishes me every time, and I can't find any areas I haven't seen. So I'm taking a break with Axiom Verge instead.

Can't say it's a gamebreaking bug, but I picked up Deus Ex: Human Revolution in the bargain bin and was really into the first hour or two, until I reached a point where it was impossible to reload without being immediately killed by a posse of police. I think I may have used an exit door that was unintended by the

Question for the lawyers: now that Diane is gone from LG, why is her name still in the name of the firm? Does it have something to do with being a founding partner? Or was there some talk of removing her name from the firm but it takes time to do so?

Please come to LA, please come to LA, please please.

This comment came out of the gate fully formed.

I call that being needy and clingy, but he's not an asshole. An asshole throws away all your furniture just because, "you got to, man."

The review doesn't mention it, so I am guessing the answer is no, but this is not a retelling of actual events is it? The teasers make it appear to be based on a true story but this is straight up fiction? Either way, I'm excited to check it out.

Gary Sanchez is the name of Ferrell and McKay's production company, not the name of the writer.

Been hearing a lot about this guy. I was thinking of picking up the album and this interview sealed the deal.

Glad to see Dan Bakkedahl getting some much deserved props for this. He wasn't a great fit for the Daily Show, but he is one hell of a funny dude and steals pretty much anything else he's in (see also: Veep). Overall I thought season 1 was solid — well done and good performances from Jeffries, Bakkedahl and Qualls.


Only echoing what many have already said here, but this article is ridiculous. Reality shows have been doing the old editing bait-and-switch since the format was invented, and generally, Top Chef still rises above the rest in terms of being a meritocracy. I was pulling for Nina too, and yes, Nick was kind of a jerk

Wow, that trailer is screamy.

Sorry, fans. Moffatt v. Gaits aside, I agree with the grade. The whole thing felt like one big story stall. We know Sherlock is alive. Obviously Watson is coming back on board. But nothing happens here except for Sherlock prancing around tormenting poor PTSD-afflicted Watson for an hour, just to get them on the train

I haven't watched this yet, but this was far and away the best pilot script I read last year. Really glad it shines in the execution. Mike Royce is great, can't wait to see it.