Well Done Denny Hall

There's a great line in 9 Queens (Argentinian con/caper film, really good) where Con Man #1 is illustating this point to Con Man #2:

Not good enough Amelie…
… which is a pity, because you're usually pretty honest. But I'm calling bullshit on this piece, because you have deliberately misrepresented the Superfreakonomics chapter (at least as published in the Sunday Times). The point of the piece is not "so the real puzzle isn't why someone like Allie

Also, and not to harp on about it, it is erroneous to describe Warne as the best player in the team. It doesn't work like that, not in cricket anyway. He was (and to my mind remains) the best spin bowler of all time, but he had McGrath, Gillespie etc. tying up the other end for him, and usually had a mountain of

Indeed trefusius, good points. I would argue that, in the most general sense, 'Old World' sports (e.g. soccer, rugby, cricket) don't work in the same way as 'American' sports, in the sense that teams are not constituted as "one or two stars plus supporting cast". Pele, for example, was arguably the greatest player of

Nah, not Lomu, not even close. He was briefly a talisman but is in truth not highly rated nowadays by New Zealanders, at least the ones that I talk to.

Hang on now, am I to take it that ZMF is an engineer? If so, consider my head spun the fuck around. Design, test, build, sell. Attaboy ZMF!

For the record: I am currently nursing a broken toe sustained a couple of weeks ago while playing sport. I rolled up to my local minor injuries clinic, 25 minutes from my front door, within an hour had it assessed, x-rayed and diagnosed, was given a follow up appointment two days later where I was given a prognosis

No way
No fucking way. I am NOT getting involved again. Don't do this to me Steve. DON'T FUCKING DO THIS TO ME MAN!

Goddammit. I do apologise.

He is named for tiny, red-faced, box dwelling puppet Bosco, staple of early 80s kids TV in Ireland and permanent reminder to my generation of the cruel march of time. Sob.

He is named for tiny, red-faced, box dwelling puppet Bosco, staple of early 80s kids TV in Ireland and permanent reminder to my generation of the cruel march of time. Sob.

Hey, Horsefellow's ramblings fit nicely in with the Pootie Tang gibberish-talk stuff. How about that?

Stephen Fry is a National Treasure. Get a permanent statue of him on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square, stet.

There was also a goodly amount of tit on display, IIRC.

Yep, the Zoolander scene is the first one that popped into my head as well. Delightfully, the "Are you serious?" line is an ad-lib from DD, because Stiller blew the previous line, but everybody stayed in character. Marvelous.

My word. She is very fetching, yes indeed. Lucky, lucky sea cucumbers.

It's also known as the Daily Heil, on account of its mid-1930s support of a certain mustachioed Austrian.

Some more for the list
How about Handbags and Gladrags? It re-emerged after being used on the credits for The Office, I think. Also, inexplicably, Spirit in the Sky, which by my reckoning is one of the only songs ever to have been a one-hit-wonder twice, several years apart, for Norman Greenbaum and then Dr. and the

I presume Bell will be the one having the comprehensive mental breakdown after his forthcoming mauling by an average enough Australian attack?

You most certanly did Crackhouse Pete. Moby was outstanding that day, between singing with Fr. Dougal and celebrating us qualifying for the World Cup earlier that day, he whipped the crowd into one of the all-time great frenzies. Fantastic.