Well Done Denny Hall

Zack, loving the writeups, but…
… in the fifth paragraph, "…there's two different society's fighting it out …" is like a punch directly between the eyes. Other than that, top effort, please carry on with more of the same. Cheers.

God bless you Ariaga 2, and all previous and future Ariagas. God bless you.

My mamogrammed guest boobs are the tits

Prexy? Do I actually want to know, or need to?

Skank Anansie

HOLY SHIT Shredder, that is one disturbing avatar. Jesus.

This, by the way, is why plasters in restaurant kitchens are blue If you happen to lose one off your finger and not notice, it will stand out from whatever dish you lost it in and not get lightly steamed and served with cocktail sauce. Also you may end up adding a hint of weeping sore to the same dish. Enjoy!

Right Mr. Belvedere, I have to ask you; is your appearance on a James Joyce thread a complete coincidence? Because this might be the most meta author/comment combo I have ever seen.

Hear hear. Get thee to www.badscience.net for comprehensive coverage of this and other anti-science issues, including a link to the "Jenny McCarthy Body Count" website, which attempts to put a number (of victims of preventable diseases) on her ignorance, stupidity and wanton disregard for thinking.

Whoa! Two Staff Black Armbands in the one day! Everything's coming up Denny Hall. Excuse me while I nip away and buy a handful of scratchcards…

AV Clubbers trapped in glass cases of of emotion
This article is going to SHATTER the record for most comments. Does anyone happen to know what the current #1 is?

I'll tell you what's cheered me right up, it's getting a reply from an AV Club writer, complete with the ominous black STAFF banner! Good times.

Don't think it's been mentioned yet…
… but how about Jessie the cowgirl reminiscing about her happy times as a beloved plaything and companion, before the little girl grows up in Toy Story 2? 'When somebody loves you, everything is beautiful…" Jesus, I'm a 33 year-old man and I'm nearly blubbing just writing this. I

I've seen that documentary, or one like it, on the BBC. You're right, it was just horrifying. The recordings of Jim Jones when it was happening "mother mother mother…" still make me shiver. And the interviews with the survivors? I have never seen a more haunted-looking bunch of people. Not to be crass about it, but

Which leads me to suggest The Liar by Stephen Fry. Possibly a little too Anglo for the AV Club maybe? Although I would love to get an American take on it.

Yep, White Teeth is terrific

Man Fat

I can tell you all for a fact that a show for the amputee/ short-of-a-limb-to-the tune-of-one demographic has been pitched in the UK. The working title was, I shit you not, "Legless and Loveless".

Tip o' the hat to you my friend. Possibly the greatest, most pitch perfect 4 minutes of television ever created.

Fun fact: the guy shouting "fucking hell!" in the background is Graham Linehan, one of the writers, who also used to appear on occasion.