Well Done Denny Hall

Connemara's not a small town…
… or indeed a town at all. It's a region in the West of Ireland, defined as much by geology, topology and local history as it is by geography. Wikipedia reckons its area and borders are fairly exact, but I personally doubt that.


As it happens, I recently liberated a copy of this book from a guest house, being a big fan of the films.

Two of my very favourites…
… from years and years ago:

After the second to last Ramone died:

And also that White Strioes cover band, the White Stripes. They're really good. They could probably make it with their own material.

I'm going to go ahead and guess that the White Strioes have too much of the stink of Detroit on them to get anywhere near the Superbowl. Sorry guys. Harsh but fair.

Holy hell Lemur! Rugby? That was unexpected. Where are you from?

You know something Jim, I'm not sure I agree with you. It's a very entertaining scene, brilliantly executed, no doubt. But upon mature reflection it seems more and more like a stunt scene to me, one that drags me out of the (by that point) well established aesthetic and style of the show. There was absolutely no need

Yep, you guys just wait for 'Life'. It will blow your frakkin' minds.

If there was evidence (you know, like facts, not opinions) that that was the case then I might be. But then I would have to be concerned about all the other things that might cause covetousness, materialism and greed, such as being human. Or I could say that I don't have a problem per se with C, M and G, instead

So we have big time point shaving 60 years ago, with occasional modern contributions, and one (one) known problem in the NBA, which was discovered. And correct me if I'm wrong, but Donaghy was forced by the mob to make favourable calls as payment for debts owed (gambling debts?) and not because he had bet on games he

And of all the things that have shat in the gloves of the fight game, I reckon you'd have to work pretty hard to put gambling in the top 10. The assumes of course that the fight game is, in fact, ruined: my (inexpert) understanding is that only the heavyweight division is fucked, while everything below that is in

Sorry Leonard, I'm going to have to demand an explanation for this:

David Attenborough is The Greatest Living Englishman. Discuss.

'School of Cockrock' for the win. Outstanding.

You might have read it NSWDDH, but you sure as shit didn't understand it. The piece is specifically about the high-end stuff, and the economics thereof, and not about 'ordinary' streetwalking or tricking. 'LaSheena' is introduced in the first couple of paragraphs, and mentioned a couple of times thereafter to provide

I give that flying fuck, because it's the difference between honesty and dishonesty. The Leavitt and Dubner piece is clearly and unambiguously about a particular topic, the economics of a certain type of prostitution, and nothing else. Amelie has misrepresented this fact in her column and in my judgement she has done

Really? I was not aware. Anyway, see the movie, it's terrific.

Well, if we're going to get all 'technical' and 'accurate' about it, I think it's fairly obvious that neither nuke or myself are talking about a member of society to whom the concept of 'more' money has literally no meaning. Just about everybody on Earth falls outside of this definition.