
We as viewers should decide for ourselves who we would rather have followed in season 2, Rick or Shane?

you're right. Shane did try to murder Rick. But you have to rewatch season 2. its complicated. It's weird how Rick came back and assumed the leadership role and took that from Shane.Pretty sure Judith is Shane's daughter too.

you do realize that construction crew killed a bunch of zombies right? They're not "children" as Carol referred tothem

Alexandrians made a mistake once they let Rick and his group in.Those guys bring trouble wherever they go

Shane wasn't crazy. He was 100% right in everything he did. Including killing that kid they captured. Rick was too soft back then.

anyone who looks at this show objectively, would realize that Carol has lost her marbles. But since a majority of viewers watch the show from the perspective of Carol as a protagonist, they'll pretty much justify any of her crazy antics

Right on

lol i said something similar not too long ago

everyone in Rick's group got PTSD

the fact that Rick turns AWAY from Deanna before the shoots his victim means he couldn't have shot Deanna's husband, since Deanna's husband head was right next to Deanna.

I love to hate Gabriel. You never know what this wacky guy is gonna do next. Keep him around! :)


"This isn't my house!"

The wolf guy held up Morgan with an unloaded gun because he probably didn't expect Morgan to be Donatello from the Ninja Turtles…

Carol likes to do bad things

Did anyone else laugh at Gabriel's facial expression after he "closed" the gate?
Or when Sasha asks him for help and he says,"No." lol


There've been some recent episodes of SNL where I don't laugh ONCE.

if you judge the entire thing relative to other SNL episodes, this is definitely an A, maybe even an A+. SNL been really crappy lately

well said