
Best. Episode. All. Year

then Rick's people should be the guardians of the wall. done. They already made Rick and Michonne cops. Sasha the guardian sniper.They were half-way there.

Jordan, I'm with you. Jacks seems to be missing your point

what other crimes are punishable by death in the zombie world? and who made Rick the decider?

Rick and Morgan have basically switched places from their encounter in season 2/3

I like this season because the heroes AREN'T heroes. Carol isn't a hero, she's borderline villain if not a plain villain. Rick too, to a lesser degree. Too many viewers are buying into this "Alexandrians are weak and they need Rick" brainwashing.

"Even though Rick is a crazy person everyone still stands up for him, like he is Jesus pretty much, he is always right." <—-This!!!

This!!!! If any other character were acting the way Carol is acting, they wouldn't get away with it. But you get this blue-eyed, cute, older lady, and all of a sudden it's OK to threaten kids, convince Rick to kill the town surgeon-without considering other options- of a community that just welcomed you with open arms