Cogito Ergo Numb

It's chilly out with your willie out.

I flicked upon it last night during a particularly dead period of air time. I laughed quite a lot. But then, I laugh quite a lot when people fall over in the street.

I think Kate Hudson is a qualifier of shitty. How shitty? Kate Hudson shitty. Oh, that shitty — not as shitty as Adam Sandler shitty, and better than Katherine Heigl shitty.

* guy who fears his claps can't be heard so starts whistling.*

I just came across a press release from the UK’s Cleft Lip And Palate Association that they're changing their name to the United Kingdom Thin Skin Society.

There's weird sex TV. Tell me Boston Legal isn't about weird lawyer Shat-sex.

That's right, guv.

"I hope all your children are born with very small dicks. And that INCLUDES THE GIRLS!"

I thought Blow was one of his best roles. At least he acted in that. In every thing else he applies affectations. To me, he's a gimmick that won't stop. I'd just like to see him put on a performance rather than another stupid bloody hat.

It could be that god would like to keep the good film critics for him or herself. Recent activity in this regard might support that view (Andrew Sarris, Judith Crist). Thus to be smote is a reward.

I hope you intend to pay for that basket, sir.

There's this ursine caniform and a lagomorph in a forested wilderness ecosystem . . .

A man chooses to run; a slave dies.

Quite. Tomorrow Never Dies has a record in film history: it's the first movie to have its budget financed entirely by product placement.

Die Hard 20: Die Hard with a Vengeance 18

I wrote a short story about this too, except I forced the clone to have a sex-change operation. After that, the romance gets a little tough, because they each know exactly what the other is about to say. And a fight won't do either, because they're similarly matched, meaning the punches go on forever or until they

Lovely. That one's from the fifth edition. I quoted mine loosely from the second. The first edition, you probably know, went:
AWAKE! for Morning in the Bowl of Night
Has flung the Stone that puts the stars to Fight:
And Lo! the Hunter of the East has caught
The Sultan's Turrett…

Kobayashi works for her?

So, this is about replicated her entire self, piece by piece, I s'pose. That way she can be a two-bit semi-porn star in and out of prison, and the other can be what she used to be: a two-bit semi-star in and out of comedies. Odd that she would start with that particular body part though, but maybe she sees that as the

Yes, I remember that. Wasn't that your follow-up to Cocky — a story about an aging boxer who liked getting pounded in the ring?