
Sure. You're welcome

I just searched for a dozen Disney titles from Star Wars movies to Pixar movies to Animated movies and they all came up fine. My guess is "Disney", by itself, isn't a great search term but all those movies appear to be there, for sale or rent

Yeah, isn't even vaguely correct. By all standard metrics, Minions should be far behind everything else.

Eh, pirates gonna pirate.

Well, technically there are several businesses like iTunes and Vudu that let you do exactly that, right? Or are we talking about something else?

For me, no. Mr. Miracle is one of those pure Kirby creations that nobody really seems to get right. I even think Morrison's stuff in 7 Soldiers was stilted and muddled.

It started out pretty dark and I wasn't sure that I would like it. I wasn't responding to how the whole world was dumping on Ruth but as the show continued and the tone lightened up and Ruth and everybody became more accepted and empowered and, well, it ended up pretty much perfect. You're right, the show is goddamn

One of the many amazing tricks that GLOW managed to pull off was getting me to enjoy Marc Maron. I had gotten to the point where I couldn't digest Maron in even small doses but, by god, I love him as Sam Sylvia.

Just between us girls, I agree with you. Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back should have never been touched but Return of the Jedi could have been touched more, IMHO

Thanks. I appreciate that.

Thanks man. I was kinda shocked too.

Gladly on both counts. Never liked Smash Mouth, either now or then and the only thing I ever liked from them was the opening riff of "Walkin' on the Sun" and I quickly found out that they stole it from an obscure 60's electronic music duo.

Eh, kinda? Basically, there are people working on making a functioning HD copy of the original films. I picked it up about 5 years ago and I wasn't impressed but I've heard that they have gotten better. I should probably try again.

I could never describe what it was like to see Star Wars, when it came out, as a kid (I was 5 when it came out) I had no idea what it was and I remember being in line for it and thinking (a) I have never been in a line like this for any movie before and (b) what the hell is Star Wars?

If you feel that level of emotion towards someone who created something you love, you should have the self-awareness to not fucking hate them.

Ah yes, now you're acting like I don't belong here. Stick me with a nice little "go to where people go up their asses" insult. Maybe I don't fit here anymore. AV Club wasn't super high brow but it used to have smart people who tried to write smart articles and, often, smart commentators who have smart discussions

Sure. I would argue the AV Club of 10-15 years ago was pretty much my sweet spot. As for now, I'm searching. I actually like Anthony Fantano's stuff. He seems genuinely into music and while I often disagree with him, his arguments are earnest and valid.

Is that really a worry? That young people want to live in the 90's? And somehow the clumsy mocking of cheesy 90's pop bands by middle-aged men are somehow gonna set them straight?

My problem isn't that I find the music too precious, I don't, and my problem is that I don't have problem with critical thinking. We have had many articles (at AV Club and everywhere else) that have handled Smash Mouth or Sugar Ray or ICP really well. This is just regurgitated garbage.

I'm looking for better writing, yes. Not music theory class just not bottom of the barrel. Everything above just reads like unfunny men in their 40's pretending to 14 year olds. "Hurr, hurr. Look at dumb stuff. It's so dumb"