
Right? Obviously I love these bands? You got me!

I don't care about the bands or their feelings, I care about the content above. Listen, I came to AV Club, oh so long ago, because they used to deal with legit criticism and really tried to highlight and explore good stuff. Heck, I can even handle the Pitchfork negative dissection because at least it's sincere.

Personally (and I know I'm in the majority) I hated "Lapti Nek" and I was happy they replaced it. Also, "Nub Yub" was a shit way to end the trilogy and I'm glad they replaced that too.

I was five when Star Wars came out, in 1977. It blew me away and it became my world. I saw it 11 times in the theater, that summer. The Special Editions didn't really piss me off when they were released because I didn't realize that they were permanent.

Ugh, this is the kind of stuff why music critics are the worst. Pretentious, middle aged men trying to pretend they are cultural gateskeepers by sneering at pop records from two decades ago. "That’s music that we don’t just hate, but that we’ve since culturally joined together to revile." Gross.

Worldwide, GOTG2 has made more money that Wonder Woman

Here is my stale, old-man take: I don't want any Texas Chainsaw Massacre stories beyond the original film. It's a great film, nigh perfect, and doesn't need a remake, prequel or sequel. I get people who like the 2nd but even that was needless.


Personally, I prefer Al Ewing's Marvel stuff to Hickman. I generally l like Hickman but none of his Marvel stuff worked for me.

I dunno. He was sick for a while. I would see him at Giants games, a few years ago, and he looked really good

That is actually an amazing story

OK. The show looks horrible. Mostly miscast with bad art direction and costuming and, I don't care if the Special Effects improve, Medusa's hair just looks wrong.

Yeah, this is such a stupid statement. I liked Wonder Woman but I would compare it to middle-of-the-pack MCU movies. The only thing that it's outclassing is other DCU movies and that is one low bar.

I don't say this a liberal snowflake or trans ally or whatever, just as somebody who loves good comedy: it wasn't. It wasn't hilarious. It was one weak joke beaten like a dead horse, week after week, for-seemingly-ever. Ugh. It was the worst.

That's not what this is about. Quit being silly

Just so people know the context, these people were asked specifically on early "appearances of trans people on screen that had affected them" so it's not like they specifically decided to go out of their way to be outraged by old pop culture, they were specifically asked for it during a panel about transgendered

The irony that a bunch of people are pretending that this man's list of opinions and demands is actually a rational list of facts and truths is…sad. So sad.

His use of "evolutionary psychology" is, at best, poorly sourced and misapplied. At worst, he is just regurgitating some pretty nasty BS that people are using to justify systematic sexism and racism.

It's a bit of a myth that Silicon Valley is nothing but nerds. It started that way but now anybody with money and connections can make it there and upper class frat types fit the bill. On top of that, there are a lot of engineers who aspire to be bros. Once they get some money and free time, they hire personal

I dunno, I think casting a Jew (and an Israeli to boot) would have been pretty problematic all around.