
Fucking Bobby Cannavale. I'm sure he is, in real life, a sweet guy and a real mensch but, after years of playing intensely unpleasant characters, his presence makes me physically anxious. I have, like, Cannavalephobia or something.

Vulture has been addicted to making these bullshit lists about various bands' entire discographies. Honestly, this list was much better than their rankings of Beatles and Rolling Stones songs as the author clearly is a Pink Floyd fan and has clear affection for much of their work (as the other lists were more

True story: Went to Outback Steakhouse, asked for T-Bone Steak. The Waiter asked how I wanted it and I replied that I wanted it Medium Rare. He said, "we're out of Medium Rare" and I didn't know what to say. I just stared at him. I finally asked him if they had anything that was Medium Rare and, when he went to check

You really did a journey with that post, didn't you? At first, you claim that South Park has nothing to do with creating Alt Right types and then admit that it put you on that road and help galvanize your beliefs.

How old are you? Because that isn't the way it was, at all. The home video market originated in the 70's and by the 80's, every town in America had, at least, one video store and usually several. Anybody, pretty much had easy access to whatever they wanted by the mid-80's

Could you clarify? I'm honestly not sure what you're saying. I will say that I don't buy into the whole "fake geek" thing but that isn't the point of your comment, is it? Are you saying that too much of pop culture is being specifically made by geeks and that's a bad thing?

I was of the original Grease 2 generation. I had never seen the original Grease, my parents weren't interested when it came out, but it was a phenomenon and I knew many of the songs. I watched Grease 2 many times because it was the only thing on but I never liked it. The songs were horrible, the humor was childish

I would understand them getting into this if he performed any real kind of shit-talking but his statement was pretty mild.

First off, fuck nepotism.

Nah, Warner Brothers has had a gorgeous transfer of Barry Lyndon out for years. If you really want all the Criterion supplements then fine but otherwise you can often pick it up for $8-13 most places.

Don't really love the song selection but I'm such a Mats fan that I'll probably buy it anyway.

Huh. Being that the author's livelihood is based on writing speeches for Republican politicians and ghostwriting op-ed pieces for celebrities, maybe it shouldn't be too surprising that this piece is so tone deaf and self congratulatory or, perhaps, maybe affluent white people need to stop going around and telling

Is that really what she did? Because most of the Vertigo talent that she "discovered" were just 2000AD writers ready to jump ship to America.

What a crazy career! He has two game-changing classics (Night of the Living Dead and Day of the Dead), a slew of movies that aren't that great that some people love (Creepshow for most people, The Crazies for some Knightriders for me) and some honest to god crap (hello, Monkey Shines!) then stuck flogging the zombie

It's sarcasm. You can usually tell a MRA troll because they have their previous comments history private.

I go to the gym, you friendless douche. I wouldn't recommend it for everyone and you're exactly the kind oversatisfied asshole people should worry about running into.

The gym (and I really am not saying this as a slam on you) is filled with with idiots, assholes and disease. Again, if people can get the results from they want from not going to the gym, they should do that. Few people need to maximize their efficiency

That's stupid. If people get the results they want from not going to the gym, they shouldn't.

My Oklahoma story: I live in Portland and my former company also had an office in Oklahoma City and during our weekly meeting we would teleconference them in. Our office was having an office picnic and we asked the OK office what they were going to do and they admitted they were just all going to go to a restaurant.