
Gee. ROFLOL? You were really amused by your own comment.

I assure you, *he* is not the person every thinks is a loser.

How could he not? Did you check out his comment? It's gold!

I thought I had read somewhere that Hertzfeldt was going to start making live action films. I'm glad that he is staying with animation, though I agree with others that World of Tomorrow wasn't really begging for a sequel.

If you've got some links to actual appreciation of GWB's stuff? I would love to read it. I've read some "gentle" criticism but nothing that was enthusiastic, at all.

I dunno, you're either trolling or being way too harsh on Carrey. I'll admit that Carrey stuff is derivative but he at least has a solid grasp of color and form while Bush's stuff is aggressively amateurish.

Steve Bannon is a human horrorshow but he's just the latest clown coming out of the flaming clown car that is the Trump administration. Remember, this is going to continue for the next 3+ years (possibly longer)

I usually feel bad about the legacy of creative artists being torn apart by the sparring of the talentless family members they left behind but considering that Easy E was talentless, himself, I'm pretty ambivalent about this.

Yeah! I love baseball but I won't fight for it. It's impossible to try to convince somebody screaming "BASEBALL SUCKS" and I don't even try.

Yeah, I get this. My best friend saw it and demanded that I go see it. He said it was the funniest, weirdest, coolest movie and I just shrugged my shoulders. I saw the trailers and I didn't think it looked that great.

I was reading an article about the 20 year anniversary of Starship Troopers and remembered that I couldn't get anybody to see that film. I saw in the theater on opening night, loved it and swore up and down that people should see it and nobody did.

Eh, happens all the time when famous people divorce. This might sting a little more since both people are well liked (like when Amy Poehler and Will Arnett divorced) but it happens with everybody.

OK, so defend my honor and because you don't feel like doing your due diligence, let me present my defense. A Vanity Fair Slide Show called Thirteen Things We Got Wrong at *Vanity Fair* where they actually put Gretchen Mol on the cover as the new "It Girl" as bad as putting Hitler on the cover.

Three cyberpunk movies came out in 1999 including The Matrix, The Thirteenth Floor and the movie that I believe Mol was trying to think of instead of Dark City (which came out the year before), David Cronenberg's eXistenZ.

Yeah, she had zip talent in the beginning. She was pretty much just really pretty and willing to take her clothes off at the drop of a dime. The she kinda fell off the radar and, when she came back, she had really picked up her game. Bette Page was a real revelation.

OK, these is referring to a specific incident. In the late 90's, before she really had any starring roles but several were going to come out soon, Vanity Fair famously put her on the cover (wearing an impossibly thin white dress that stretched over her nipples) and declared that she was the new "It Girl".

Every time I see one of these, I always think "where's Will?" He is, by far, the best at these.

I'm really not 100% sure what you're saying but I think what you are saying is this: labels are responsible for piracy which hurts all musical acts including ones that never had anything to with these labels to begin with, right? And you're also then correlating this what studios, like Disney, are doing now?

I would go even further and say fuck everybody who didn't vote for Clinton. Fuck everybody who slandered her, passed around misogynist conspiracies and fake news even during the primaries and fuck everybody who says that the Democrats and Republicans are exactly alike.

A million other horrible things wouldn't have happened under a Clinton presidency but, you're right, racists would probably still have marched, one way or another.