
There hasn't really been as much as there used to be in the 90's (when more rappers were bumping with NOI and the Five Percenters) but you still see it from time to time.

Yes! This! Thanks LaToya! This reviews have been GREAT and the wrestling asides have wonderful!

I'm sorry but no Wan, no way. He ain't perfect (Insidious 2 and The Conjuring 2 were both big letdowns, but when he is "on", he is one of my favorite horror directors.

I was the same way. This is the episode where the season kicked the sourness of the first couple episodes and the tone really solidified.

"One Paul Giamatti-esque character stands in the background flipping
through a stack of records for almost the entire 26-minute duration of
the video,"

Lucas With The Lid Off by Lucas (which I still think is the best Gondry video ever)

Falco is a weird one because Der Kommissa was a massive hit but, in the states, it was the After the Fire version, not the Falco version, that was popular so does that count?

Yeah, wasn't this the same case with the last film? It underperformed in the US and the series would have ended had it not been for the overseas box office? When China stops going gaga over this shit, then we can start gleefully writing the obituaries.

"The A.V. Club. As such, any perceived defense we might offer here of Gawker’s
approach—of the gleefully caustic zeal for afflicting the comfortable
(or anyone it could make fun of) that led the late David Carr to brand
it as “the mean girls” who “rule the playground”"

"not explicitly saying the man killed himself does a disservice to the seriousness of the disease"

You don't want a response to your stupid opinion, don't put out your stupid opinion. It's the Internet.

This 100% hits into my quirky-jazzy blindspot so this ain't my thing, at all, but, that said, I can't deny that they are crazy talented performers. I wish they were my thing because they are pretty awesome

"Liza and Louise: The Series"? I would watch that!

Cars 3 should be fine. It should "underperform" but still make plenty from merchandising and overseas. That said, we should worry about Pixar, Their batting average has seriously dropped in the past 6-7 years.

No, I get it. If they hadn't made such a big deal about breaking up, it might only be slightly annoying, but they even made a goddamn movie about their "final show".

I honestly doubt it really has much to do with being "pretty girls" or not. They are men. Everybody who watches the show knows that

Sure, I think she should have said anything but it wouldn't stop much of anything anymore than if Kim Chi had said something to her voracious, racist "fans", a few years ago (she didn't FYI though she did make a statement a few days ago). Each year has waves of people screaming horrible things at these queens and just


I didn't "hate it" but I don't live for the nastiness and drama like so many people do. I really enjoy nice people being decent to each other

I found Shea and Sasha to be insufferable and nasty the whole episode which makes me think that one of them won. I'm rooting for Trinity (who is only a cartoon villain) or Peppermint (who is like some benevolent goddess)