
I do think that Valentina should have said something because people have been calling her out for a while but, that said, she should not be held responsible for the actions of her "fans".

Agreed. Fucking masterpiece.

Were you guys doing Adventurer's League? Those adventures are meant to introduce people to the game and are just 1 (sometimes 2) session games. Their actual adventures that they sell are much bigger and can last months.

I would argue that, if you get a chance, try 5E. It was a real course correction after 4E and is an actual RPG, not some hybrid of a MMO and a miniatures game.

When 5E came out, 3 three years ago, I started playing again. Wizards of the Coast made a smart idea with Adventurer's League because, as soon as it came out, there were a dozen games within my area to join. I met a lot of great people and had a lot of fun and after a year or so, a few of us made a regular campaign

If you're playing 5E, then is no need for you to pick one. There is no penalty, when you're leveling up, to grabbing a level of another class. I have a Half-Orc Barbarian/Rogue and he destroys

Most big-media Film Critics are not "trained" in criticism, so to speak, they were usually working at other departments at the newspaper/magazine and were moved there by the editor. Pauline Kael was a college dropout. Roger Ebert had a degree in English. David Edelstein has a degree in Journalism.

I fully believe that more woman and minorities should be hired on as critics (AV Club is definitely in a position to take the lead "here") and I also agree that many of the older, white, male critics are so tone-deaf and set in their ways that they have become embarrassing and several should be taken out to pasture.

I didn't like most of the family glimpses (they seemed overly shmaltzy, especially the bit with Ouija's kid) but I liked seeing Yadriel again. I dunno, I really like that character. His deadpan, one-word reactions to Maria's exuberance was one of my fonder running gags in the early seasons.

Yeah. I mean it's mentioned that he specifically stayed to help people when all the other medical staff ran but he is so massively underwritten, he's barely a character. It might help if the guy was a better actor but, at this point, he's just a magical prop.

I agree about Piper. Don't get me wrong, during the whole Panty Kingpin storyline, she was the worst, but otherwise she's a good character. I would be mad if she was still the focus of the series but she isn't and she serves as good foil to the rest of the cast.

I'm not really getting "piece of shit" from that. He is a Islamic apologist who tries to separate the actions and beliefs of Islamic extremists from those of moderate ones, sure, but that isn't so bad. Hell, it's understandable considering it's Muslim.

I dunno, didn't Fox's various commentators pretty much spent 8 years of anger, lies and vitrol at Obama? I mean Fox got away with it by saying that they weren't journalists and what they did was "opinion". Isn't that the same thing with Aslan? (I mean, with the big difference being Trump is thin-skinned and Obama had

Do you have anything you're specifically pointing to? Is it his views or something he's done or maybe you encountered him once and he was a dick? Because if he has said or done something really objectionable, I haven't heard it

I'm like most people, I really liked that Azarello run on Wonder Woman but, halfway through, I thought it turned to shit. The First Born was extremely uninteresting, sucked all the oxygen from the story, killed many of the Gods that Azarello had been doing a good job of introducing and it just kept going and going

I liked it. I didn't love it but I liked it which, for a DCEU movie, is a big win. One thing that I loved was how the movie showed how the Snyder mandated sword and shield combo were needless and restored WW to the classic bracelets/lasso combo. For whatever reason, that had always really bugged me.

To begin with, this is a pretty great list with good selections all around (I, too, would love to see Sam Cooke or Judy Garland!)

Well, at the time, Northern California punk was either super-pop (like Green Day, Crimpshrine, Monsula, Cringer or even Op Ivy) or far more hardcore (Filth, Econochrist, Neurosis). The Pop stuff was generally referred to as the East Bay sound or the Lookout style even though many of the harder bands were from the East

Yeah, it's pretty shocking considering the impact they had. The guy who put the list together has good taste but obvious biases. I assume that he figured Babes in Toyland and Lunachicks were good enough representations of the movement (despite neither being directly involved with it)

Sure, I'm just saying back in the day, people could (and did often) argue about how punk Green Day was. For most punks that I knew, Green Day were the records that you gave to your kid brother/sister.