
The Sonics are there, along with several other garage bands, as precursors of Punk (this playlist is about the history of punk, after all), Elvis Costello was considered punk in his first few albums (back when Punk had a very big net) and it's pretty arguable how "punk", Grunge was. Many bands, like Nirvana, TAD and

Ehhhh. I was in the Northern California punk scene at the time and Green Day didn't have sterling punk cred. Even from the poppy East Bay Punk scene, Green Day was considered especially pop (in my hometown, calling music "Green Day" was the same as calling it "weak ass") They also got swelled heads and rock star

Really? I did (both done to me and others) Kids are cruel beasts

Are they? For institutions like The Simpson, because the older, Golden Age episodes are the ones that everybody has watched multiple times and remember, it's actually the newer stuff that are deep cuts. You could put a clip from last season and only a few die-hards might spot it. It's like The Rolling Stones.

How are any of those deep cuts?

Jude Blume's youth books are treasures. I can't think of another writer that really nails the awkwardness and yearning that truly defines that age like she can. Blubber was always my favorite

I just read it for the first time and was pleasantly surprised. I thought it aged much better than Starship Troopers which, I think, is the most comparable book.

Listen, I agree that anybody raving about today's Apple being innovative or interesting are raving cultists, but they still make quality products. Not innovative but quality and unlike every other company, they are not interested using their products to invade your privacy.

Those 5 or 6 major devices were pretty major and shook up the tech industry and made fortunes for Apple. Everything since Tim Cook has been less than lackluster.

I think you don't know how to Google

I was disappointed in the Manchester rendition because they had done that song before, much better, as part of Miley's Happy Hippy series. This time, Ariana's voice wasn't in the best shape and Miley's ADD derailed the song even more than it did the first time. I wish they would do a proper recording of it.

Well, yes. First off, it didn't make twice it's budged. $229M - $140M = $89M. Second off, of that $89 might have gotten cut by advertising and definitely got cut by the fact that it did a good chunk of it's money overseas, which the original studio only gets a small percentage of (if any because they might have sold

There is only a handful of queens that I would make a point to see them lip sync in real life but Peppermint is one where I would be right on the side of the stage shoving bills at her like my life depended on it.

To be honest, we should put ourselves in with that lot and bump up the percentage to 90.

"That's certainly a civil rights issue."

I'm sure that if these reviews are ever compiled into a book, those corrections will be made but, otherwise, don't expect too much from a quickly written episode review with a frontpage lifespan of 24-48 hrs. This ain't art

Also previously.tv's reviews are also great. Smart, funny with plenty of screencaps and GIFs

I like Leah Remini as a comedic actress and she does have good chemistry with Kevin James but, at this point, shouldn't they just stop pretending and make it a King of Queens revival?

Supposedly, it did and Nelson Mandela never stopped praising the boycotts, and the artists that participated in them, as vital part of removing Apartheid.

Well, and I say this as someone who is not coming out as for or against Israel, boycotts DID work on the one place that is held up as an Israel analogue, South Africa. Israel's situation is often cited as a current version of South Africa's apartheid and, however inaccurate that you might think that comparison is,