
It actually isn't. Not yet, anyways.

To be fair, he's not talking about the internet or randos, but other artists, which I get. Somebody calling me out on the Internet is one thing but if one of my co-workers decides to talk shit about me because I support Israel somehow (I guess by using a SodaStream or something) then they can fuck right off.

After Star Wars came out, I was obsessed and my parents would often grab any old Star Wars related products when they went to the store. One day, they brought back a Star Wars book that was actually an Evangelical Christian tract about how Star Wars was actually a Christian film and how to read it as such. There was

I managed most of the ones from the 80's (with the exception of The Day After. My parents wouldn't let me watch and EVERYBODY was talking about, the next day) They really wasn't anything like watching a Titanic in a theater filled with teenage girls. The way the audience went from giggles to sobs sticks with me to

When I was a kid, before Reagan, Evangelists and other Christian literalists were looked down upon as a fringe only enjoyed but the poorest, least-educated and most gullible people. To see that it has since become the dominant form of American Christianity and one of the most powerful and influential forces in

Are you sure you aren't a creationist? Because you are making a weak, specious argument with no proof to back it up.

It really wouldn't be that funny.

Not anymore. There was a time, when iPads were the only other real option, that people swore that e-ink was far superior and the glare from tablets caused eye strain and whatnot but, with the influx of Google tablets, I don't see those complaints anymore so I imagine that it was more anti-Apple complaining rather than

Eh, E-Books are pretty great. They are more portable, often cheaper and, when you move, you don't have 80 pounds of books that you have to take with you.

Sorry, I must have gotten you mixed up with another post about somebody who saw it in '77 (at the age of 7)

Maybe for you but I wasn't allowed to watch R rated films and, many of those films, while I love them as an adult, were just too slow or ponderous for myself as a young kid or they dealt with things that my 5-year old brain couldn't comprehend (like sex)

Yes, and as a young boy in the '70's, it sucked. "The Golden Age" of 70's Hollywood filmmaking left no room for children. SciFi was slow, cerebral and dark (like 2001) and Fantasy was left for crappy Disney movies with low budgets and aging, disinterested stars barely mugging for cheap laughs (like Escape from Witch

You have to understand that @avclub-9976473e5d3a3143ced6cf1511098e5b:disqus was 11 when the re-release came out. I was 9 and we both had 4 years of Star Wars being the biggest pop phenomena for kids our age and we called it "Star Wars" and when that re-release did come out, they added "A New Hope" to the opening

It was 1977 and I was five years old. My folks were taking us to see Star Wars and I had no idea what the hell is was (trailer were less frequent back then and there was very little movie advertising on TV) I remember the line, it stretched into the parking lot and I have never seen or been in a line that long. I

I too have problems with missionary charity. There are many religious charities that manage to give help to the needy without preaching to them or using basic necessities to push them towards a religion. Charities that do always tend to me the most fundamentalist and problematic.

Agreed. Coppola's first three films are wonderful and age very well. After Marie Antoinette, she seemed to crawl up her own ass. Somewhere and The Bling Ring just dragged.

Really? He's in the new Blade Runner and he's got another movie coming out, this year. I don't think he's hurting for work.

I honestly don't get how 30 Seconds to Mars became a thing. It doesn't even seem like a thing. I don't know a single person who likes it and can't even remember a single song that they did, but somehow it succeeded.

Is Janelle Monáe done with music? Don't get me wrong, she is lovely and her acting is getting better with each movie. I would be fine with her being an actress if she wasn't such a interesting musical talent and staggering performer. I would like more albums, please.

Huh, weird accusation. It's not me. This is the first time that I've brought it up and I did so because of the context of the discussion ("why do people hate her?") That said, if there is anything else you want to throw at me, go ahead. I'm listening.