
I dunno, it wasn't my thing, but Teenage Dream was a very solid pop album. As far as a pop singers go, she's kind of the right combo of hot looks, solid voice, catchy songs and bottomless desire. She seems to be trying to do something more ambitious now and it really doesn't work. She definitely doesn't have the

I can't understand why they did the fart sketch. It was just a variation of the January Jones Rear Window fart sketch and THAT sketch is remembered as the worst one in the past 10 years. What were they thinking?

I can't imagine how she can get any hate for her work on the show. She has only been in just a few sketches and really shined in the couple that she starred in (I still love the one she did with Aziz Ansari)

I get what you're saying but I disagree. (a) The crew were trained professionals, working for the company, and charged with taking to a new planet (b) they abandon their mission to explore a planet even though they weren't told to and they aren't a exploratory team (c) there is no distress signal, just somebody

Nope. The original post is one big false equivalency. The current Russian situation is nothing like Benghazi and to pretend that it is either deeply disingenuous or stupid.

"The Russiasphere is getting out of hand, becoming something of a
Benghazi to the left, and it is fueled by unsubstantiated deep state

I just watched Episode 1 and really liked it. I'm happy because Season 2 got a little too dark for me. I really found everybody's plotline, last season, outside of Titus' to be too unpleasant so I'm please that I enjoyed this, top to bottom.

I dunno. Girls last season was received pretty well and I imagine that Girls is going to be appreciated for years to come, so I imagine that she will have some career. The question is what kind? There are people who hate Dunham but plenty still bought her book and have signed up for the Lenny Letter thing. I imagine

True but it's kinda exhausting. You're always going to be reaching and I don't accept you basic premise that competent people would somehow mutiny because their employer is on the ship and has an idea that by talking to an Alien race, he can achieve immortality (which is, by itself, also incredibly stupid) I don't

I'm sorry but that seems like reaching. I get that you like the movie. Hell, I like several of the parts that you mention, but I really do think that you are stretching logic way-far to validate your enjoyment.

I just want to bring special attention to the shower scene because it's so fucking stupid. It doesn't make sense character-wise (hours after watching a dozen of their best friends die, a couple decide to bone in a shower), it doesn't make sense SciFi-wise (really? You can take hour-long fuck showers in space? Where

Of course not. How would I get home? He has the ship and the crew. Besides, I get to study and examine an Alien civilization and carefully study new lifeforms. Immortality is actually one of the biggest reasons rich people fund science. Why the hell would I mutiny? Am I not getting paid?

I'm positive that Fassbender's agent is so bad that he would sign on to it.

Why would they mutiny? That makes no sense.

I didn't intend to describe it as a travesty. It really was the best scene in the film. Well written and beautifully acted. I'm completely honest that I would rather watch a movie about Michael Fassbender fucking himself. If I can garner enough interest, I would start a Kickstarter.

That isn't "stellar at your job" that is fucking dumb and, no, hiring smart people would not have prevented Weyland from achieving immortality. Hiring fucking idiots who want to pet a penis teeth snake does.

Right? The homoerotic scenes with himself, doing two different, intentional thick accents, was wonderful! I remember thinking that I would rather watch two hours of Michael Fassbender fucking himself than the rest of this shitty film.


You have a biologist that, when encountering a penis snake with teeth, decides to try and pet it while cooing softly. A geologist who gets lost in the very compound he just mapped. An archaeologist who, when encountering the remnants of an alien civilization and the possible origin of man, loses interest and pouts

I just saw it. It was horrible. Horrible. So bad. It is justified only as a testament to how far Ridley Scott's talents as a filmmaker have sunk in the near 40 years since the first film. The horror was tepid. The Sci Fi was atrocious (really, you're going to show up to a planet and not wear an environmental suit or