
I dunno, the only thing that irritates me more than "vinyl purists who insist on its supposed "warmer" and superior sound quality" are people who complain about vinyl purists and insist that there is no difference in sound quality. I assume that there is a difference, I have had people who should know insist that

I thought the whole Rebel Alley thing was a giant bore

Everybody that I know who champions Season 4 do it because of the sheer audaciousness of it, rather than it, you know, working.

Yeah, dour and unpleasant is really the adjectives that best describe it. I don't think they realize how much Michael and George Michael are needed to be slightly better than the rest to kind of let out a little of the air out of everybody's awfulness.

I get the problems people have with the non-actors in this series and this season it seems to have gotten worse (I'm looking at you, Tanvi) but, damn it, if Dev's dad doesn't just slay me. His comedic timing has gotten better from last season and his enthusiasm and then disappointment about going to get fish was just

The one that I've always been curious about is "fag". Where in America did it start and, most importantly, why?

This episode was too much Arnold for me and I was so done with Italy and everything to do with it by the end.

I would switch 2 & 3, myself. The Deaf story didn't work for me

If remember correctly, Eddie Deezen was Will Harris' dream Random Roles subject but Deezen demanded money so it never happened

I remember there was a Random Rules feature (early one, back when it was good) and I'm pretty sure the musician came upon "Drown" and she something along the lines of "whatever you may think about Billy Corgan, he makes some of the most interesting ballads" and she was right. Corgan really shines when he slows it

I haven't liked Allen's comedies in decades but I actually enjoy things that are "Allenesque". I think my biggest problems with Allen is the decreasing quality of his humor and the increasing horribleness of his worldview.

Is it? I was really excited about it until I found that it wasn't giving full access to TCM's library/channel. The Criterion Collection is great and all but I'm used to having as part of Netflix or Hulu so the idea of paying for it by itself isn't too attractive. What are the good things about it?

I have a problem with most of his family, especially his mom, but his Dad's delivery cracks me up. Especially when in his second episode where he takes Dev to work

I don't think it's too crazy. He is thin, fit, funny, well connected and pretty damn successful. As for how "attractive" his face is, I really have no idea but I assume that many women find him cute.

I like Arnold in small, small doses. A full episode was way too much of him. On the other hand, I could spend time with Denise every single episode.

I thought this episode was just OK. Referencing 'The Bicycle Thief' (which is how us oldsters are familiar with it) seemed a little on the nose. I mean, I guess I'm glad that they didn't go full Fellini but, still, they went for the most famous piece of Italian Neo-Realism. It didn't help that the kid was a crummy

I don't understand. Why should he be subtle? I mean any other pundit in any other medium is funded by ads, why shouldn't he? If you were watching somebody on a network or Fox or CNN, you would expect to be interrupted by ads. I don't understand. What other revenue stream should he have?

Sure and a lot of people are big on charter schools. It's more of a difference of opinion rather than being, in and of itself, problematic, yeah?

Actual tweet: "Programs do, importantly, often expand our collective notion of what's
possible. Think the Panthers Free Breakfast Program. Charter Schools."

I figured that these "sound alike" lawsuits didn't have a leg to stand on until Tom Waits successfully sued Frito-Lay for a Doritos commercial, several decades ago. I couldn't imagine him winning (because, let's face it, Tom Waits isn't that popular to the general population) but, sure enough, he won. Good job, Tom