
I remember being on a flight from Thailand, back in 80's, and Kansas was one of the movies being played (remember when we had to all watch the same movie, together?)

I would argue that Heaven Help Us is less a part of the Hughes style 80's teen comedy and more a member of that last wave of American Graffiti influenced nostalgia films. It was definitely underrated/underseen.

Oh, she was ALWAYS a cash grabbing opportunist.

Good for them. I hope they make a fortune

I love Kanye. Yes, he's an asshole but that is half of his whole act. Hell, at least half of his songs are about what a giant asshole he is

I would say that maybe 5% of the comments are funny. It's not worth it

Yeah, Dan Steven's character too. The movie really did seem just as much about enabling as it is about abusive relationships or anything. Everybody was enabling everybody

I miss the old days of AV Club

Nah, I would argue that the problem with the "Liberal Response" has been the nasty Progressive demanding to recontextualize the election, demonizing the moderates, attacking everybody else in the Democratic party and trying very hard and very early to make sure that the Left loses EVERY election from now on by

There were a lot of factors that kept a solid, dedicated, "ethical and experienced public servant from being the first Woman president while, instead, electing a grotesque caricature of a failure of a human being.

We live in a Puerto Rican world?

I like how you don't know what the word "objective" means

I never liked her, I thought she was an obnoxious hack who relied, for much of her career, for taking credit for smarter, more talented people but I remember her politics not being too noteworthy. Standard Hollywood Liberal-leaning Libertarian.

What's wrong with Tommy Stinson now?

"Deplorable" might be off because it lumps him in with Trump conservatives but still he didn't tell the truth (which he admitted to) while trying to sugar coat old school misogyny. I don't care if he is a Gary Johnson Libertarian, a Bush NeoCon or a Reagan era Moral Majority type. I don't care if you are either. I

And I think that he posted something that he admits was false while trying to softly support the “bitch, get into the kitchen and bake cookies" argument. What is "worthless and impotent" is not fight backing on lies and misogyny, no matter how petty.

'this traditional Republican-leaner would be like "You're just the First
Gentleman Bill, do PSAs about heart health or something but leave
government to her."'

I know I'm in the minority but I've actually been amused, and occasionally surprised, by this KFC campaign. The whole multiverse of Colonels is a pretty interesting ad idea that was slyly rolled out with a lot of extras that were both bizarre (the record that was released for the Nashville Colonel) and pretty good

I wish that was the actual pronunciation because after I saw Star Wars as a kid, I thought they were referring to Tatooine because Dantooine and Tatooine sound almost identical. I honestly thought for years that Leia was offering Tatooine to be massacred by the Imperials to save Alderaan.

There is sex and nudity in THX1138