
Personally, I just don't get the whole idea of recreating a cartoon as a live action film. It just seems weird and off.

Life started out really well but completely lost steam in the second half. It was also hampered by a CGI creature. CGI horror is tough to pull off and looked particularly fake here

This isn't but, even if it were, they wouldn't be.

The special effects in Skull Island were really inconsistent. Kong looked great (and his hair was top notch) but everything else looked pretty poor. There were many scenes where the special effects seemed almost amateurishly bad

Yeah, the term HD Antenna is just to let people know that the antenna will (a) the antenna will work with an HD TV and (b) you can watch the programming in HD. It's not really bullshit because they aren't trying to compete with "regular" antennae but with cable/streaming (hell, I think every antenna sold, calls itself

Brody has done so much to harm his career, post-Oscars, that he is lucky that he hasn't gone fully Cuba Gooding Jr. (and, let's be honest, that is all due to race)

"But it’s very clear that Peele had the necessary vision to make a transcendent work of horror. He understands the mechanics of a horror film as well as he does that of a comedy sketch"

I wish it wasn't on Amazon Prime because I'm excited about this. I love Sherman-Palladino but she painted herself into a corner with Gilmore Girls and Bunheads was probably too wonderful to last. This show sounds exactly up my alley

Do not do this around an actual Irish person. Every Irish person I know finds the name of this drink (justifiably) gross

I lost it to 'Lady' by Kenny Rogers. I remember being absolutely tickled by the musical selection and I assume that I did the entire deed with an insufferable smirk.

I actually really like Todrick's stuff but, good God, was he is a shitty, nothing judge or what?

Just give me the goddamn season, already. Who the hell are they selling it to, at this point? We want our goddamn Drag Race, give us our goddamn Drag Race!

I actually thought the Phil Collins soundtrack was horrible and, to this day, I still find it bland and charmless. I remember, at the time, being pissed that Phil Collins won the Oscar over better songs (like 'When She Loved Me', Randy Newman's best Pixar song)

I agree though it later made sense when Robin Thicke explained that he was pretty much drunk/high during all the interviews as well as resentful/weirded out by being interviewed about a song that he had no hand in writing.

I first encountered him when the local cable company switch from HBO to a new competitor called Spotlight (this was when cable would give you 20 channels and a single premium movie channel) which would later become The Movie Channel. Spotlight featured Osborne introducing movies, like TCM, but more contemporary.

Nope, he was available. He has a lot of free time, he just has nothing to do with the discussion in nearly any conceivable way.

Hey folks, check out the guy courageously creating an anonymous account to post this one "super-edgy" post so you won't asssociate his right-wing beliefs with his regular account! How brave!

She just shames me. I honestly don't know how young she is (she seems sooo young) but her insights are so smart and her humor is so assured that it feels like she's been doing this for decades.

Considering that she is already making $1300/month through Patreon, on top of any Youtube money, and she is only, what? 15 years old? She is pretty much doing better than 90% of the AV Club contributors.

For somebody who was "never that into 4chan", you sure are into 4chan