
That is VERY generous to the author. Even if we assume that the author put a comma instead of an "and", who identifies two people in a single sentence? One with only their proper name and the other with only an occupation?

"…at Georgetown involved studying under Madeleine Albright, the former U.S. ambassador to Israel"

Yup. That was it. It played a billion times on HBO and I think I watched it, every time because I was young enough to think it funny/heartwarming and I had massive crush on D'Angelo. I would watch her in anything.

It had to have been a photo finish but I would argue that BvS was worse.

My comment was colored by interviews that Gareth has made about how much the band dislikes the first album and how much they don't like playing them.

Is this worth getting? Is there anything on it beyond the Critereon collection? Because we used to be able to get that on Netflix and then Hulu and I'll be damned if I'll pony up any more money just for that.

This film has an interesting pedigree. It's a Chinese film where they hired Americans to make it, then pushed back because Americans wanted to make it too Hollywood and THEN got into a big pissing match between the producers.

There was an article somewhere (I remember it being on Vulture but I can't find it) that pointed out that, with the release of each new Weezer album, Rivers Cuomo apologizes about the previous album and swears that the new one will be different. The Blue Album is the only one that he never apologized for

Saw them, the other night, in Portland and they were wonderful. I really like the new songs and Gareth seemed mostly agreeable to playing the "hits" of previous albums (though his continued scorn of Hold On Now, Youngster still saddens me)

Funny trivia, Bowie sold bonds in '97 for the royalties of his music so, yeah, the family doesn't get the royalties. That said, they are rich and they could easily fund this if they cared enough, which they obviously don't.

I actually liked some of these movies. The Shadow, in particular, I think is underrated.

You're right, all the crazy later strips, particularly the 60's Space ones, I willfully forget

"Dick Tracy’s awards for Best Art Direction seemed a given for a movie with such dazzling design, which faithfully—and practically—replicated the primary-hued splashes of Chester Gould’s original comic strips."

Not enthused about any of these choices. I enjoyed Arrival but I don't think it's really Oscar caliber and didn't really love Moonlight but I recognize that it's very well done.

Agreed. I have problems anytime an author aggressively uses slang in an article but particularly if a white author is appropriating African American slang. \

I'm not saying that we ignored Trump.

I don't agree with this anymore. Not after Trump.

To be fair, everybody was stupid in BvS. Every single character.

Agree on both counts. The Nun scene was, by far, the highlight of the film but it was because the scene was so well done, not because the concept of nuns or paintings are, by themselves, scary.

Really? Because I was disappointed in it, because I didn't think it was as good as the first one, but I didn't think it was THAT bad.