
I wouldn't include the Romantic Comedies of the 80's as "Modern Romantic Comedies" They were more "Fantasy Comedies". The romance wasn't developed at all (which is a key for a Romantic Comedy), the guy just fell in love with the woman right away and the "romance" was just an engine to drive the plot along

Sure, and you can point to Screwball Comedies, as well, but still the Modern Romantic Comedy, that we are talking about, pretty much started with When Harry Met Sally and many of the conventions that the video talks about are the conventions of later films.

It seems hard to argue that When Harry Met Sally breaks from modern Romantic Comedies when it pretty much started the modern Romantic Comedy. I think that it wasn't breaking the conventions, so much as many of the conventions hadn't been introduced yet.

I used to like Burlington Coat Factory. Their quality was slightly above Ross or Marshalls. It has been a long time since I've been, though

"it’s worth taking a minute to remark that this is a function of the
internet doing the democratizing and enlightening work that its utopian
founders in Silicon Valley prognosticated"

Normally, I would agree with you, but in this case, all three films have been dire. The Snyderverse needs to die

Why? I mean are you worried that AV Club gives a flying crap that you don't think they are stellar journalists? You think your mild shade is so damning that they will boot your account?

Yeah, pretty much. I remember checking out a non-nude issue of Playboy and I was shocked that they were charging $ 8-9. I mean you really can get all this content for free on the Internet.

I love Los Campesinos! but it took me a long while to accept that the band that would never make another Hold on Now, Youngster… or even want to. That album was the perfect mix of joy and fun and wit.

Oh, I have no illusion that these pricks don't hate gays, I'm just saying that it isn't part of their stated agenda. It's not what they are "about"

Technically no. Remember Milo Whassisface is one of the leaders of the movement and defiantly gay. These people will argue that they have nothing wrong with homosexuality.

Speed is a super fun film but '94 was one of the best years for Hong Kong flicks and Drunken Master II and Fist of Legend are so far above what America was putting out, I can't even (personally, I would give the nod to Fist. Can we all agree that this is Jet Li's best film?)

I can't even get through Judge Priest. Even if I can put aside the racial context Fechit's character (and lemme say that I think Stepin Fetchit and other black minstrel performers have gotten kinda shafted by history), watching him and Will Rogers just makes my skin crawl.

Hmmm, I have only been kinda paying attention to Thor: Ragnarok so I guess I never realized this but, if some or most of it takes place in space, we have a solid chance to get Beta Ray Bill in the mix. That would be pretty damn keen.

I honestly don't think being spied on is the biggest worry with Trump and I don't think massively downscaling national security is what most people were hoping for with Obama or something that he actually campaigned on.

I honestly can't stand Harmony Korine. I understand why people like Spring Breakers or Gummo but I just can't.

Listen I love R. Sikoroyak. Looooooove him. His reinterpretation of Camus' "The Stranger" as Superman covers was almost as brilliant as him doing Dante's "Inferno" as Bazooka Joe comics.

Trying to nail down the Snyderverse DC Universe to just one problem is impossible or proof that you just don't get it. Reboot it all. It's horrible and everybody involved with it needs to stop.

I used to be quite a Bourbon man (which started, oddly enough, by being a Lawrence Block fanboy as a teen) and, while I still enjoy it (I think Evan Williams Single Barrel to be the best deal in liquor), I've moved on to Rye in the past few years.

After watching a whole bunch of WWII era films, I can tell you exactly how to tell if he is a Nazi.