
Not a problem. You can get a portable DVD drive for about $20. Plugs in with USB. Works fine

Tons of fish, this year. I hope some of them are talented.

Years later, I still have a ton of problems with the prequels, they are bad movies by any measure and they screw up everything that was good with the originals.

Actually Eddie Fulong continued to get work into his 20's, married a beautiful actress and had a kid. Now, Furlong did lose work, battle chemical addiction and had a bitter divorce.

I too would like them to stop wearing fur because it looks tacky and it's hard to paint

Gigi is super creepy but I enjoy the hell out of it.

I didn't like La La Land but it would have been insufferable with these two. The movie needed the charms of Gosling/Stone

Why? He doesn't run it. The fact that he put money in the company is irrelevant.

I'm not sure why this guy can't get some money for his father's work or why we have to get involved in this. Why can't the guy get money and why is this really that much different that Christopher Tolkien getting millions for Lord of the Rings?

I'm so thrilled with Missy coming back. I've been going through her old albums and, good god, they sure hold up.

Yup. As far as anyone can tell, George W. Bush went AWOL during the end of his time with the National Guard. Rather got a hold of documents that seemingly proved that this and, instead of spending an iota of time to get the documents verified, reported the story. The documents were proven falsified and Rather lost his

I disagree. Gary Johnson voters were the difference in the swing states. If they had voted Clinton, Trump would have lost. Johnson is 2016's Nader. #NeverTrump is meaningless if you helped elect Trump, even indirectly.

Uh, no? Really, no. Season 4 had some highs and lows but I think the flashbacks with other actors was a low. It didn't work.

Sorry but I thought the spoiler warning (and spoiler) in the article applies to the comments, as well

Right? I hate Gibson, as a man, but I like him as a filmmaker and Hacksaw Ridge is a pretty unspectacular film. Even if it was made by somebody else, it wouldn't deserve an Oscar nom for best pic

It happened when the critical consensus switched to younger people. Older critics who sneered at superheroes and "didn't get it" started dying off or losing their jobs.

Over the weekend, I went to see Split with a group of friends and they, by their own admission, had audible "joygasms" when Bruce showed up at the end. I didn't like it, myself. I thought the way they handled it was corny and I don't like the idea of M. Night fucking up Unbreakable.

Sure, but she has also said that she wanted him to be clear of it because she just doesn't want to have to deal with it anymore. I think that's fair and I'm glad that she had healed and got over it but we have to.

I loved Queer Eye and I actually regard it as an influential and important show but is this even needed now?

I would agree with you if he hadn't of snagged a couple of Oscar noms