
Ditko's Strange was pretty weird. He seems White when he was still an a-hole doctor but, after he learns the mystic arts, becomes Asian.

White, wealthy women in English-speaking countries are very similar, sure, but even if we are being specific then, yes, wealthy, white British women are well represented in American film

My personal feeling is that these emails show that Margaret Cho misrepresented her entire "conversation" with Tilda Swinton and I think that Swinton generally comes off much better here (and I say this as somebody who does have a problem with the whitewashing of this role)

"But nothing will satiate our demand for ideological purity. When do we construct the Hollywood gulags?"

Yeah, but "house Asian" is not really a thing. It's not a used term. She is doing a variation on "House Negro" which is specifically refers to black American slavery. I can see it being problematic.

It's not a fair comparison. This is about people not getting jobs and viewers being represented. There isn't a dearth of roles out there for white people

He SAID that but it's not true. The Ancient One is NOT Tibetan. He is from the fictional land of Kamar-Taj. Also, even if he was Tibetan they can just change the nationality or just not mention it, they don't have to make it white.

Well, he's not a Fu Manchu character. Fu Manchu is a sadistic, evil genius. The Ancient One is a venerable, old master which is a trope but not necessarily a racist one (these kind of characters show up all throughout Asian literature and films)

Great. Another loser who can't read but will throw a tantrum at any hint of criticism. Wahhhhhh!

I would say we have progressed a ton since 1990. Look at that movie. All the people in the movie (all of them) are destitute, many of them homeless. They are completely unable to have decent jobs (as is pointed out in the movie) and have to live in fear in one of the America's most liberal cities. They have to create

My god, Spheeris doing a Jem movie would be too perfect!

For me (and I say this as straight, white man so feel free to take umbrage) it's not just the straights taking it but white and upper/middle-class gay men making it theirs. In some ways, it feels like modern day Minstrel-ism and, honestly, it makes me uncomfortable.

As far as I know, no. They know the name of the corpse but not the how or why. It is obvious why it stayed in the trunk, though, and it grates that people don't acknowledge that, whatever happened, no drag queen of color could expect justice from the cops, in those days.

To me, what is saddest is how Dorian Corey's life, even in the modern Drag community, has become a joke because of the corpse in the trunk. It's an interesting and salacious, sure, but, by all metrics, she was a towering, beloved and generous figure of the NY drag community and everything she said (everything!) in

Those first two Decline movies are impossibly great. Suburbia was great and I remember The Boys Next Door being really affecting too. I think what really kills Spheeris, in most critics minds (and in Spheeris' own interviews) are her studio comedys which is a shame, because she had a gift for comedy and I think they

Paris is Burning is the best, the frickin' best. So rich and deep, it is worth constant rewatching. If it accomplished nothing else, Ru Paul's Drag Race would need to be thanked for introducing that movie to so many people

I always liked Hodgy. As the third most talented person in Odd Future (not counting Frank Ocean), he was often sparkled on guest spots but his own stuff was often produced by Left Brain, whom I find talentless. Hopefully, with some good beats, Hodgy can shine.

I am worried about that. He was the worst thing about that Conan movie. If he isn't speaking Dothraki, his speaking voice sounds like a clerk at Hollister.

I thought Food & Liquor was great but I liked each successive album a little less. Personally, I felt his stuff became more and more overwhelmed by self-righteousness and self-congratulation.

It's a slightly more complicated. Griff said some horrible stuff and, after some tense months, Chuck fired him BUT then included some questionably anti-semitic lyrics in the song Welcome to the Terrordome. In response to the furor over that, Chuck made a point to reach out to Jewish leaders and even went to the