
Agreed. I find the people who are still doing the "Android Rulez/Iphone Droolz" argument baffling. Who honestly gives a crap?

Personally, my smartphone is almost completely necessary to the way I currently live my life. Don't know how you do it but god bless.

Fuck off, you miserable little prick

Actually the Onion is not home to "most offensive humor ever created" and referencing the stupid "dicks out for Harambe" meme is not the same as making fun of it.

I assume this is supposed to be an ironic parody of something but why?

There are a large amount of regular posters here on AV Club that create alt personnas (often several and often avatar-free) so they post stuff that they don't want attached to their more well-known personna.

I agree with that. Fuck that guy.

Timur Bekmambetov is like the non-union, Russian equivalent of Zach Snyder on cocaine.

Honestly, fuck Gawker. Their "mean girls" approach to aggregating the news and unwanted OpEd lessened the discourse. They were vile hypocrites who imagined themselves heroes and I hope they never have a platform ever again (and I wish Denton nothing but the worst)

Back in my late teens, my cooler, city-dwelling, older brother sent me the Best of Neat Stuff and The Bradleys compilation and I adored it. I ended up running out to grab as much Bagge stuff as I could which, in my small town, ended up being several issues of Weirdo (I think only three of the nine that he edited).

a) No. You're wrong. Life is filled with many smart people and with many people who do things correctly. That is how planes fly and air conditioning works and you have food to eat.

I actually liked this. I thought it was cute, funny and well done (as in execution, production values were obviously the worst), though I will admit that I loathed Suicide Squad and this video points out my main problem with it, and with all the Synderverse DCU movie so far, which is that everybody in the movie is

America once had Yiddish newspapers, Yiddish theater and even Yiddish theater. Fyvush Finkel was a good character actor who was often better than his material (since he usually played a silly, old Jew) but, I felt, that he was one of the last links to a rich and overlooked part of American history.

Agreed. I figured that a strip about a bisexual, unemployed Mayor McCheese would just be another cynical collection of unfunny pop culture jokes but this was actually a warm, deeply humanistic look at life with some nice, old touches. I liked it and felt that it really stuck the landing.

For me, Brave New World is like Stranger in a Strange Land, not only thematically (because they are like mirror images of each other in many ways) but because I think I was too old when I finally read them to get invested in the books or their ideas.

It's not too out of their wheelhouse. Criterion loves Japanese cinema, including the more outrageous stuff. House isn't too far away from Seijun Suzuki's more zanier stuff.

This starts out well. "I know it's only carbonated water, sometimes I wish I was Beyonce's daughter!" Could have been a new 'Pinot Noir' for me but it really loses steam really quick.

I really miss Disney 2D movies, too, and it's a shame that 'The Princess and the Frog' gets the rap for killing it off because it's a good movie and so amazingly gorgeous.

It's probably not true. Consider the source and consider if you find anything that corroborates it with a Google search?

At a certain point, with something like this challenge, awareness is valueless. The first bucket challenge video that somebody saw provided all the awareness that any further bucket challenge video would. It doesn't stack up, it stops right there.