
I recently rewatched Season 4 and, just as I remembered, it was often brilliant, often hilarious and always ambitious but it just didn't work. A lot of the stuff it was satirizing was dated, a lot of the character stuff was offputting and all of the Rebel Alley stuff (and most of Ron Howard's) was a waste of time.

The challenge worked like this: you were supposed to donate $100 to ALS if you refused to pour ice water on your head and $10 if you did.

I thought the ice bucket challenge was pretty neat. It lasted a little too long but I enjoyed people actively participating in acts of generosity and kindness but there were two big problems for me.

I love Wilco. I think Jeff Tweedy is a great songwriter and I really enjoy their new albums.

I agree. It was fun

Exactly, Sony demanded that a Ghostbusters reboot was going to happen (and online fan chatter was demanding it, as well)

Thank you for this piece. I love OITNB and I was delighted at the number of minority characters and the increasing focus on their lives. I guess I assumed that was reflected in the writer's room and it is kinda shocking that it isn't.

I sometimes feel nearly alone as I find late period Woody Allen to be completely devoid of charm or interest. Even the ones that people love like Match Point or Vicky Christina Barcelona or Midnight in Paris, I just can't work any enthusiasm for (or, in the case of Midnight, I actively hate)

Agreed.Kiersey Clemons is great and she deserves something more. That said, I'm glad that I'm going to see her in something because she does not get the casting love that she should

Personally, I think The Deer Hunter hasn't aged that well and I don't really agree with all the people that think Heaven's Gate is a great film. I don't really "love" any of Cimino's movies but, dammit, everything he made was terribly interesting.

I know I might be the only one but I was kinda fine with it being the end of Archer because (a) I think the series ending with Archer's death was apropos and (b) I think the creative team is just spinning their wheels at this point. Many of the episodes of the last season seemed like weak repeats of earlier stuff and

Yeah, congratulations Cav fans. I'm happy you now have this. Enjoy it.

Yeah, Josey Wales is both a superior contemporary Western and highly problematic (though it could be argued that most Westerns are problematic) Carter was a horrible, little man and, of course, a racist but it is interesting that he made two enduring pieces of fiction: Josey Wales and The Education of Little Tree

I agree with the "if you can't have Eva Green you can't have Penny Dreadful" concept as Miss Ives was the core of the show and Green was the highlight. My issue is that if Logan knew that Season 4 was the last, why was it so lackluster and rushed?

The good thing about OINTB is that it has a pretty deep bench of one-note characters like Ruiz that they can take into new and maybe darker directions. One of my problems with Season 2 is that I felt that they had fleshed out many of the black inmates enough that it started to get a little out of character when things

Ginger came off badly in the interviews (she was trying too hard to be Bianca) but if you watched Untucked, she was actually sweet. She was usually the first one to counsel one of the other queens.

Sure. Drag might not be part of your identity or your scene but it's an important part of American gay culture. Don't forget, it was drag queens that were fucking shit up at Stonewall and much of modern gay slang and many aspect of gay culture starts with the drag queens before it makes it's way to wider gay society.

"UNHhhh" is pretty much the only WOW youtube show that I watch. Katya and Trixie are pretty great.

Ooooh, would've loved Ben DeLa. *sigh*

Yes, they are different things but drag is an important part of gay culture as a whole and certainly worth knowing (plus 'Paris is Burning' is fucking AWESOME and one of the best documentary's of the 90's and everybody should see the damn thing!)