
Excited that Ginger and Katya are back and going for it. Love Katya and I'm one of those who swear that Ginger got screwed and should won that season.

Screech is so bizarrely and openly pathological.. I never watched Saved by the Bell but I remember seeing a report about him, a few years after, where he stated that he was trying to live a quiet life, he was about to be married, but he didn't make the money that people thought he did and he needed help or he would

Hmmm, I know her looks have become odd and in real life, I find her really offputting, but Nicole Kidman is a hell of a fucking actress. If you look at her career, you'll see she is fearless in the roles that she chooses, she puts her all in them and, more often than not, she hits it out of the park. I am very

I was one of the people who had forgotten about Garbage for a good, long while but, a few months ago, suddenly had a yen to check out "Queer" again. What an amazing song (and video). I liked Garbage and think they have put out a lot of good work but it doesn't seem like they ever did anything like "Queer" again and

Is she?

I agree. I remember, even at the time, the music press would often blow him off. I think he was too mild-mannered and nerdy in person as opposed to someone more impressive as Steve Albini

Funny you bring this up because I just watched Warcraft, last night, and the movie begins with what I later found out was footage meant as a teaser proof-of-concept made to get fans salivating via Youtube and Comicon.

I think this has become the standard refrain of people who liked Watchmen, is that people who don't are pedantic fanboys. I may be one, sure, but I will repeat that Snyder didn't understand the comic.

I agree that Stewart was terrible. His accent was slipping all over the place and I never felt that he had any presence. I like that the skinheads were kind of dumb and fumbling around but Stewart just felt like the an actor in the wrong movie.

Wow, you are the king of Straw Man arguments, aren't you?

God, as a kid, I needed Night Life in my life. For several years, it was my only access to music videos and music (because our local cable provider refused to carry MTV for a good long while) and I'm glad it was. I don't think I would get the exposure to so many things. It was truly alternative in a way that something

I would say to give it a shot.

Kicking and Screaming is the only Baumbach directed movie that I actually enjoy. The rest of his stuff leaves me either cold or angry but that one was spot on.

I disagree with most of this article. I think the original X-Men movies have aged badly, the series has become ponderous and I think maybe half the films are completely horrible. I don't think First Class is the best and I think Deadpool is better than listed (I would probably list it third) The series needs a

This was the first episode of the series that wasn't written by John Logan, wasn't it? That seems significant, especially since this episode wasn't that great.

I would consider The Road to be in that category and I would consider Leibowitz to be better. It's an awesome piece of work.

I played a lot of pinball, parsed my thoughts on the Captain America series of films (Civil War is a pretty good film but I have a lot of problems with it) and have been binge reading the Priest run on Black Panther on the Marvel Unlimited App (man, that series starts out shaky but just snowballs into something great!)

The Wipers is not too shocking. They were the entire foundation of Pacific Northwest Punk and also a Portland Band. I guess I'm surprised about Sonic Youth. I shouldn't but I just like Pavement and Superchunk so much more.

Yeah. I don't care.

Courtney Love is somebody who repels me as a human but I actually enjoy as a musician. I like her albums and I really dig classic Hole.