
In the Winter Soldier comic, Winter Soldier and Black Widow knew each other very well, had worked often as Soviets and were very casual lovers.

I'm kinda the same way. I would have liked it if they made it somebody other than Zemo. He was a fine character, just not Zemo

I did too.

Yeah, I don't really think the final group of last year had "ringers". If anything, it was stuffed with bland, pretty girls like Violet and Pearl who didn't really have much of a story beyond that they were pretty and had relatively pleasant lives growing up.

I prefer the comments sections of the Reviews to the Newswires or Great Job Internet. I can handle people who are interested/passionate/knowledgeable about pop cultures over the standard noise that comes from a Newswire that I could get at Gawker or Reddit or any aggregator site

Nobody who is not in a polyamorous relationship with Derrick Barry is on #TeamDerrickBarry (and even one of those dudes is secretly a Throgy man!)

I think the weakest episode is always the finale. I'm fine with the video episode, I just wish they would try to do something funny and interesting.

I honestly don't get the love for this film. Some so-so 80's and 90's film I understand got really big with people because they were played all the time on USA or TNT (looking at you Hook) but this wasn't. I'm not sure where people got indoctrinated into this film and I sure can't figure out why.

I agree that it's pretty moderate. AV Club used to be a place to go to discuss culture and arts and geekery and now it's a place for people vying for attention. While there is less vitriol in other discussions, there is still plenty of "noise"

Good lord folks, just let Blink 182 die already. As one of those oft-mocked old punks that constantly whine about how everybody sold out, I despise Blink 182's corporate frat rock.

Cool. Yeah, you guys are right. I guess I'm still living in 5 years ago.

I saw it as a child, when I was a child. There was…so much blood….

Wow. Quite possibly AV Club's first black writer writing quite possibly the first AV Club piece about being black. How progressive are we, huh?

If this wasn't on NBC, I would have totally watched this back in '77. I was that kinda kid

I don't think it is. I have been waiting for TCM to put out something for Apple TV or Roku for ages and I don't think this will quite be it but I'm hoping that it will allow access to that wonderful library. I'm fine if I don't get Robert Osbourne introductions.

Which Twitter feed is that on? I can't find anything posted about that in either the Criterion, TCM or Filmstruck feeds

Remember, Kevin Smith was briefly considered an important young director and, besides, this was during the DVD boom of the late 90's and everybody was pumping out as many titles as they can. Criterion was putting out a lot of contemporary titles back then

Yeah, this. Me. I love TCM. I love Criterion (or, at least, their library) Take my money. Go with God

Sometimes, I think it depends on who saw which film first. That said I like Dredd and I love The Raid: Redemption. Deep down, I think you're insane-o