
I'm actually shocked that it did relative well compared to other countries ($4.5 million for China compared to 6.9 for UK). That said Transformers 4 did $300 million in China so "well" is a relative term

I don't know. First off, I know a ton of people who profoundly loved Rent and I don't think that they were fooled or embarrassed. Being based on La Boheme, it was absurdly romantic and hard to stomach for non-romantic types (myself, I just couldn't) and as a modern take on La Boheme, it was very easy to become dated.

Hey! They changed it! Good for them because after several glaring errors in that big Omen write-up were never changed, I figured the AV Club gave up proofreading and editing, altogether.

Well, according to the article, it's from 1969

I'll be interested in reading this and comparing it with We Got the Neutron Bomb, a decent oral history of the LA Punk scene.

Just gotta say that I love burgers and I love Tiki. If there was a Tiki themed burger place, I would eat there every day. Hell, I live in Portland. How is there not a Tiki themed burger place?

I thought was really classy. Respect

Really? You got that from "RIP Guy I've never heard of."? That's a very generous reading.

Well, I guess there is an implied malice. Not knowing somebody is a common put down, particularly on the Internet. Then there is just the fact that, if there is no malice, the comment contributes nothing at all.

What I do is go to my local used CD place. Luckily, I live in Portland so there is a ton. You can usually pick up his CD's for $1-5. Sure, you might want to pay full price for his early classics like 'Purple Rain' and 'Sign O' The Times' but you really should feel free to cheap out on some his later stuff because

Holy crap. This is the biggest one for me in 2016. Of all the pop stars of my generation, Prince was the greatest. I've lately been going to the CD store and picking up his later albums cheap. The ones after 'Sign O' The Times' that people dismiss and I've never really listened to like 'LOtUSFLOW3R' and that symbol

As a kid, I didn't watch 'The Omen' because I thought it was slow but 'The Omen II' freaked me the fuck out. Maybe it was because I was about the same age as Damien. Maybe I was just really stupid.

It's really a bizarre mistake, isn't it? I mean, OK Nayman hasn't seen Living Dead or it's been so long he doesn't remember it but he looked for the clip. He had to have watched some of it, yeah? I mean, how hard is it?

I really like Naomi Watts and, despite what the articles says, she is losing out on the blockbuster work as she gets older. I hope this is a good vehicle for her.

Up until the 80's, it's a pretty decent edit though I can definitely quibble with some of them (like Close Encounters over the opening shot (or any shot really) of 'Star Wars'? Craziness!)

I totally missed this when this was a "thing". I think the closest I got to it was Kelly's guest appearance in the "Shores of California" video and I remember thinking, "I have no idea what that is supposed to be"

I really like the first three Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero (and I generally loathe any kind of neo-hippy crap) and think they were unfairly maligned by the AV Club critics. 'Up From Below' had so much more to offer than just "Home" that I sometimes wonder if the album was even listened to (because, going back

I think this looks great except Godzilla. Man, there were so many ways they could update the suit and make it look cool and they didn't do it. Godzilla just looks like a giant rubber fart

Yeah, I saw it a billion times too, back in the day. By far, the best movie that Night Flight showed.

I like The Black Keys. I don't like the Steve Miller Band (and I have no idea what the hell he would be doing in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame). That said, I'm with Steve Miller on this one. Just because there are no women in his band doesn't mean he can't criticize the Hall for it's abominable track record. Last I