
I'm not sure if this a thing to be excited about. The original creators of the site have essentially recreated/retooled it as Previously.TV and all the staff has moved on. I doubt we are going to see the return of long-ass recaps (which are antiquated) or heavily moderated forums (which are too labor intensive)

I like Kirkman and most of this list is thoughtful and well-reasoned but, while Billy Eichner's rant about Sex and the City 2 is funny, Kirkman then tries to justify the movie itself. There is not justification. That movie sucked shit. No little gay boy in Arkansas is going to get empowered by seeing Liza Minnelli's

I won't deny anything. We are anonymous on the internet. It doesn't matter. Go nuts

Are you talking about internationally? Stream it simultaneously all across the globe? I'm really just trying to clarify

Listen, princess, your whole "paying for shit is so last year" argument doesn't make sense to anybody who is, ya' know, paying for shit!

I know. He is a critic. He is a thoughtful critic but he isn't involved directly in the industry nor is he a journalist that directly handles the industry, he is just a smart guy with some opinions. He doesn't have any information or numbers to back up his opinions but his argument is that neither does De Laurentiis

I'm sorry, I disagree about you being an expert. With your credentials, I expect thoughtful and in-depth analysis and criticism of media but it, in and of itself, does not mean that you are an expert on Hollywood economics or that you have any relevant knowledge or insight about this particular matter that any of the


To be honest, I was like that once

No. Her claims that piracy hurts the producers of content is not absurd (that is her actual claims as she states that the whole piracy killing Hannibal is speculation on her part)

I have a couple problems with this and all the other arguments here that mirror yours.

Wow. A lot of people here not only pirate shows but also can't take the slightest bit of criticism.

I loved Dan Clowes back when he was younger and funnier. His first 10 issues of Eightball, along with his Lloyd Llewellyn stuff is just the absolute best, but his stuff eventually became self-important and inert. I probably will get around to reading Patience but I'm not really looking forward to it.

Dale was memorable but so were many others on his season who weren't assholes like Richard Blais and eventual winner Stephanie .

It's odd that the guy doesn't think Top Chef changed the trajectory of his career when he has two restaurants in NYC and before he didn't have any.

I've kinda fell off with Bakshi. I don't think his stuff aged too well particularly since his status as the "only guy to do adult things with animation" was lost years ago, but I was really enthralled growing up with his stuff. Lord of the Rings and particularly Wizards were revelatory to pre-teen me while Coonskin

"The Looney Tunes creators didn’t do a lot of direct parodies"

My absolute fave short-lived series (and my deepest embarrassment) was Looking for Love: Bachelorettes in Alaska which had four semi-attractive-but-definitely-not-tv-attractive female contestants from the continental US go to Alaska and try to pick a mate from Alaska's sad horny, male population or, as the show would

Storm Large is a pretty beloved local celebrity in Portland. Her dismissal in Rock Star was bullshit of the highest order (she did 'Wish You Were Here' and just slayed it. Newstead literally cried)

If you already have it and you already like it, why do you need AV Club to review it?