
From the AV Club review of the last Telekinesis album:

Speaking of Jamie Kennedy and hecklers, man, was "Heckler" the documentary a complete and utter disappointment or what?

Agreed. 100%

Paramount has almost always actively hated the Star Trek franchise. I've never seen a company so begrudgingly take fans' money (when they aren't actively shitting on said fans, hello Into Darkness!)

I find half of what Jason does to be staggeringly good and the other half to be amiably disposable. I honestly not 100% sure which way this is gonna go

I dunno, I like Primus and I love Fishbone and both bands are absolutely amazing live. I'm not sure what crap you are into but it sounds pretty fucking decent.

Yeah, though only the first Insidious. 2&3 can fuck off

Yeah, I agree. When I first saw this film, I was a punker living in a small town in the West Coast and I completely related to all of it.

I have been playing 5E for the past year and love it. If you ever think of getting back into D&D, it is the edition to do it. It manages to feel classic and fresh at the same time.

No. Despite my belief in its evil, I always recommend to new players to get their books from Amazon. They are always cheaper than anywhere else (they were $23 on there for the longest time) It would be nice if somebody bought, at least, one of their books from a local gaming store but, c'mon, who is going to get all

Right? $50 a book and that is the pretty much the industry standard. The vast majority of RPG's I see are charging $40-60 a book and that isn't even counting the massive costs of miniatures, these days.

Sure, I'm sure you could play for relatively little money and, in very rare instances, make money in the long run. Heck, supposedly you could play 'Clash of Clans' or 'Game of War' and never spend a cent. I just never see it, myself.

My issue with Magic is that it is a massive money suck. It's like the live equivalent of those free-to-play games that suck billions from people. If you really want to compete, you have to spend tons of money.

Yeah. Same here. I grew up with the odd assumption that if I could do a halfway decent version of "You Are My Sunshine", I could always find a place to work.

Laurence Olivier in the 80's is pretty much hammiest thing ever. He had roles that are fun to watch (like Zeus in "Clash of the Titans") but he isn't really 'good' in any of them.

I'm sorry but "Hello Again" is a pretty great song. Shmaltz? Sure, but great schmaltz. Ain't nothing wrong with schmaltz.

To be fair, Phipps doesn't bring up 'The Raid' in his review, it was just something that came up when I watched 'Dredd' for the first time (plus, the issue with the comparison is not that 'The Raid' is foreign but that it is fucking awesome)

I dunno. Though D+ is pretty harsh, the review itself is pretty fair. That is what I thought when I first saw the film. I felt the attempt to Nolan-ize Dredd made it generic and bland and, without the wit or flamboyance of the comic, it was just so-so (furthermore because it was released and was so close in plot to

I love 'Insidious'. I love it. I hated 'Insidious 2'. Hated it. I don't know how I feel about this.

I strongly disagree that the differing responses to the season finales of 'The Killing' and 'True Detective' were due to an evolution of the audience as AV Club is declaring but, instead, it was due to the quality of the two shows.