
The average rainfall in Portland is 37.07 inches.The average rainfall in Phoenix is 8.29 inches. Sure, summers can be dry (and god knows, this summer has been insufferable!) but our winters and spring are pretty fucking wet (and if you are on the the coast where I was born and raised you are used to even wetter

Screw that. Rain is what keeps things green and makes the plants grow! You want sun, move to New Mexico. I would suggest some song that demands rain but I can't think of a single good one.

Yeah. It was a chunk of crap notable about how little anybody, Carpenter or anybody else, cared.

Good article. As a tribute to Kirby's birthday, Comics Reporter put up this amazing collection of Kirby art. I think this really sums up the man:

As far as I'm concerned, Shout Factory is doing the Lord's work. They have been releasing great stuff that has just been forgotten by their studios or by time. Q and I Come In Peace are both things that I want in my film library. Heck, I want to watch them both right now! Take my money, somebody, now, please!

Glark mentioned that they had tried to do the podcast the week before and it didn't work but they had covered all the same topics and did part of the Game Time so that might explain the lack of energy level. They had covered everything before.

Cedar Rapids?

Yeah, I'm amazed at how many people here are talking like it's real. It's a fake penis shooting out fake piss.

Yeah, and they are running the sale just about everywhere so if you want to buy the books from Comixology or Amazon, you can! They have just about everything Brown except A Matter of Life. Personally, if people just wanna try it out, I would recommend Clumsy, the first (and still, I think, best) of his girlfriend

This is a shame. Her little tiny awesomeness rocking out like a motherfucker adds so much to a Superchunk show. Still, hey, Superchunk live!

I hate my father

I assume you are talking about the George Pal film from the 50's, yeah? What was her problem with that film? I remember it being an enjoyable, atmospheric update of the novel.

Big bummer. Loved the man and his work. All of it. Big, big fan.

My problem is they are both too young (or seem too young) and I think the casting should be reversed. Levvitt as Nathan and Tatum as Sky.

Well, you now know me. I showed sheep. I never won anything but I made enough money to but a Commodore 64 and other awesome 80's things.

I enjoyed Alpha House. I thought John Goodman and Clark Johnson were great and their characters were fleshed out pretty well. I thought the fake-gay senator was too broad and not funny and the Latino lothario was just terrible.

My problem with Fire and Ice is similar to my problem with American Pop, there is so little animating being done beyond just roto-scoping that I just get the sensation of watching unattractive actors being poorly directed (I don't think he was a good director of live action)

I don't know if I 'love' Bakshi but I 'like like' him. Some of his movies I love that I think are truly great (Heavy Traffic and Coonskin), some I love which aren't really great and might not be good (Wizards) and some that I'm completely ambivalent about (American Pop and Fritz the Cat)

You thought all the big cities were the same? That's weird because I think Sacramento is really different from Oakland which is different from San Francisco which is really different from LA (which is surprisingly very different from San Diego)

I don't hate Fergie. I didn't get her solo album but I enjoyed a few of its songs and if Black Eyed Peas became horrible, that wasn't her fault.