
I actually ate 'happy' pizza over a decade ago in Phnom Penh and it wasn't so great. The pot adds nothing to the pizza flavor and I ended up eating it next to a chatty, slimy near-pedophile from New Zealand.

I meant the original, Sam and Max Hit the Road, which is still a Lucasarts property. I enjoyed the Telltale games that I played but nothing matched the magic hilarity that game had.

I love TIE Fighter. It had better graphics and a more sophisticated story but X-Wing will always have that special place in my heart. There is something about the first time, coming out of hyperspace and having my wings extend out, ready for battle, that I'm dying to relive.

This is sad. Not only do I have a few friends that worked at Lucasarts but I seriously loved their classic games. I always hoped that they would update their Stars Wars flight sims for modern systems (X-Wing and Tie Fighter were awesome) as well as looking forward to Sam and Max on the iPad. *sigh*

I remember having a D&D party back in Junior High and we had a whole bunch of rented movies, the only two that I can remember are The Last Unicorn and Phantasm. Man, did we love Phantasm! When the Tall Man came out of the mirror, we freaked!

I dunno, they are doing Criterion quality releases for $20 on Amazon. They could put the same picture of a Juggalo doing a handstand on all their titles if the quality inside remains this good.

I love that song. I think I read in a Clash biography (the one they really hated) that it was actually a song from Tymon Dogg's solo album that they just plastered onto Sandinista because he was Strummer's old friend.

I would say half of each Mescaleros album was just really, really great. The other half would be interesting though occasionally filler but, man, there was some wonderful stuff on that. I agree on starting with Global A Go Go if only because 'Johnny Appleseed' is probably the Mescalero masterpiece, but Streetcore is

I always agreed with the Trouser Press description of Sandinista which was something like 'Sandinista is 1.5 amazing albums spread out over 3 records;

I don't understand. Why shouldn't people? If they want Veronica Mars movies and the swag associated from the Kickstarter campaign, why shouldn't they put money in?

Probably. After Tim Schaefer made a fortune for his game, every legendary game designer was releasing a Kickstarter in the hopes of getting their game idea/company funded. The have been some really embarrassing failures from some really big designers.

Well, you a bit wrong about a few things here. Technically, you aren't "donating" money (Kickstarter uses the term "investing" or "backing"). Kickstarter isn't for charities, only business ventures, and in the case of this project and the Amanda Palmer project, people got items for the money that they put in. So, even

I am very, very pleased about this. Saw them open up for Superchunk and I pretty much ignored him because, hey, opening band. I thought he kinda looked like a douche and I couldn't really make out the songs and whatever.

Yup. Vulture has a little article on it.

Rocket from the Crypt is easy. Scream, Dracula, Scream! or Circa: Now! are their most accessible albums. Each album has one of their two only "hits" and both are really, really good. I think Dracula might be easier to get into so give that a shot.

I didn't really like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood as a kid.I found it old-fashioned, slow-paced, humorless and oh, so very boring. I pretty much just endured it. It was something that was between Sesame Street and Electric Company and that was pretty much it.

"Statham—charming and bad-ass as always"

Go to the Amazon cloud player. It should have just about every song you downloaded plus there is a good chance that every album that you bought though Amazon is physically there as well. You can download anything in the cloud player.

I have to say that while Amazon is probably evil and might be most responsible for the eventual death of book and, now, music stores (Autorip seems like a killing blow) and thus thousands of jobs, they are also most responsible for me getting back into music after a long period of apathy.

"Bigelow and Tobias totally IGNORE the very basic fact that the film
blatantly and repeatedly claims torture was necessary to getting bin