
As a massive Dredd fan in my early teens, I think this look crappy. Too
ultra-realistic and too grim. What really made Dredd great was the
whimsy, the satire and the utter ridiculousness of everything and this trailer has none of that. What the hell is wrong with people?

As a massive Dredd fan in my early teens, I think this look crappy. Too
ultra-realistic and too grim. What really made Dredd great was the
whimsy, the satire and the utter ridiculousness of everything and this trailer has none of that. What the hell is wrong with people?

I actually checked out a couple of tracks and really dug it. Just picked it up off Amazon. Thanks

I actually checked out a couple of tracks and really dug it. Just picked it up off Amazon. Thanks

Personally, I think if Elric or Hawkmoon got the Game of Thrones treatment, it could be pretty damn good. Otherwise, please don't bother.

Personally, I think if Elric or Hawkmoon got the Game of Thrones treatment, it could be pretty damn good. Otherwise, please don't bother.

I loved that line. That ending blew my tiny little mind.

I loved that line. That ending blew my tiny little mind.

At the same time, it is pretty Spielbergy as well. It really is a solid mix of their two styles.

At the same time, it is pretty Spielbergy as well. It really is a solid mix of their two styles.

I agree but I think that Count Brass and D'Averc are two of the most interesting secondary characters in the various Eternal Champion books and their charm outweighs the admittedly bland Hawkmoon character.

I agree but I think that Count Brass and D'Averc are two of the most interesting secondary characters in the various Eternal Champion books and their charm outweighs the admittedly bland Hawkmoon character.

"harken back to the really ugly plaid blazer Don wore to Pete's house this past season"

"harken back to the really ugly plaid blazer Don wore to Pete's house this past season"

Thank you for doing one of these on Michael Moorcock who was one of the pillars on my early teens but I completely disagree on your choice.

Thank you for doing one of these on Michael Moorcock who was one of the pillars on my early teens but I completely disagree on your choice.

She didn't asked for money. She raised a million dollars preselling her album (for as low as $1) and offering other things for higher amounts. People didn't "donate" like they do to a charity. You might want to check out Kickstarter's site because it really isn't about asking for money and getting it freely.

She didn't asked for money. She raised a million dollars preselling her album (for as low as $1) and offering other things for higher amounts. People didn't "donate" like they do to a charity. You might want to check out Kickstarter's site because it really isn't about asking for money and getting it freely.

I have always had an aversion to the Hives. When Google Play had that big sale where they were selling every album for $4, I decided to pick up all the Hives albums and give them a real chance. Boy, was I wrong all these years. I shoulda got into 'em a decade ago.

I have always had an aversion to the Hives. When Google Play had that big sale where they were selling every album for $4, I decided to pick up all the Hives albums and give them a real chance. Boy, was I wrong all these years. I shoulda got into 'em a decade ago.