
I don't think that I ever seen a summer camp movie either outside of slasher movies. Do you think those count?

I don't think that I ever seen a summer camp movie either outside of slasher movies. Do you think those count?

Just wanna give props for Fistful of Yen

Just wanna give props for Fistful of Yen

I have exactly four Amanda Palmer songs in my library (two Dresden Dolls and two solo) so this will be the first album of hers that I have bought and I don't know if I would have if I had to pay more than $5 but you can point out that I could have just bought it for $1 and that means that I am fanboy so have at it, I

I have exactly four Amanda Palmer songs in my library (two Dresden Dolls and two solo) so this will be the first album of hers that I have bought and I don't know if I would have if I had to pay more than $5 but you can point out that I could have just bought it for $1 and that means that I am fanboy so have at it, I

(edited because I put a comment in wrong thread. Whoops)

(edited because I put a comment in wrong thread. Whoops)

1) Thanks
2) Fair enough.

1) Thanks
2) Fair enough.

You made a post where you made a whole bunch of points that were factually and logically incorrect and you said them in a douche-y way.

You made a post where you made a whole bunch of points that were factually and logically incorrect and you said them in a douche-y way.

I'm sorry if I missed it but among all the comments, I haven't seen one comment where somebody specifically has asked where the money is being spent on and why there is no oversight. LunaMoth actually was providing a answer to to a valid question that nobody was actually asking. I might be wrong because you don't even

I'm sorry if I missed it but among all the comments, I haven't seen one comment where somebody specifically has asked where the money is being spent on and why there is no oversight. LunaMoth actually was providing a answer to to a valid question that nobody was actually asking. I might be wrong because you don't even

That is exactly the deal that people are getting. There is no begging. If you pay as little as $1, you get her album. If you pay more, you get other things you might like (if you were a fan)

That is exactly the deal that people are getting. There is no begging. If you pay as little as $1, you get her album. If you pay more, you get other things you might like (if you were a fan)

Thanks for contributing nothing to the conversation, anonymous alt. Tell your parents that I said "hi"!

Thanks for contributing nothing to the conversation, anonymous alt. Tell your parents that I said "hi"!

First off, Palmer and Gaiman are established artists, yes, but they aren't superstar multi-millionaires that can easily throw away large sums of money (in this case, hundreds of thousands of dollars) without care. Quit being so naive to imagine that doing these things are either cheap or easy or that any success equal

First off, Palmer and Gaiman are established artists, yes, but they aren't superstar multi-millionaires that can easily throw away large sums of money (in this case, hundreds of thousands of dollars) without care. Quit being so naive to imagine that doing these things are either cheap or easy or that any success equal