
I picked that first album up from Amazon MP3 store (because they sold it for like three bucks for the longest time) and really enjoyed it. I generally hate on neo-hippies but that album was underrated and had more charms to it than just "Home" His solo album was also in the same vein.

I picked that first album up from Amazon MP3 store (because they sold it for like three bucks for the longest time) and really enjoyed it. I generally hate on neo-hippies but that album was underrated and had more charms to it than just "Home" His solo album was also in the same vein.

Think of it this way, did you hate Zooey Deschanel but ended up liking New Girl? If you didn't, you just might hate quirky girls and you should stay the hell away.

Think of it this way, did you hate Zooey Deschanel but ended up liking New Girl? If you didn't, you just might hate quirky girls and you should stay the hell away.

Between Mickey One and Penn & Teller Get Killed, Arthur Penn is surprisingly well represented.

Between Mickey One and Penn & Teller Get Killed, Arthur Penn is surprisingly well represented.

This should be a great thing. There are some real gems here (Mickey One? Yes, please! Razorback? Sure!) and just a ton of chaff that used to fill up the hours of the cable movie channels of the 80's including some real crap like Yes, Giorgio and the bane of my childhood, Sphinx (ghastly, boring movie that was like a

This should be a great thing. There are some real gems here (Mickey One? Yes, please! Razorback? Sure!) and just a ton of chaff that used to fill up the hours of the cable movie channels of the 80's including some real crap like Yes, Giorgio and the bane of my childhood, Sphinx (ghastly, boring movie that was like a

God. Of all of the money-grubbing bands that profited off the corporate rediscovery of punk in the 90's, The Offspring were the worst. They have ripped off so many bands from Agent Orange to Bad Religion to such a blatant theft of "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" that I will never understand how they didn't get their faces sued

God. Of all of the money-grubbing bands that profited off the corporate rediscovery of punk in the 90's, The Offspring were the worst. They have ripped off so many bands from Agent Orange to Bad Religion to such a blatant theft of "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" that I will never understand how they didn't get their faces sued

This is such a bummer. In my 20's, Donna Summer help me get over my ingrained, hateful sneer for Disco and made me realize that the genre had so many amazing talents (especially female vocalists)

Spirited Away is not essential? I am sorry. I would disagree.

My problem is that independent comics have always enjoyed bleed over from superhero comics and the golden ages of independents (60's and 90's) have always matched the peak popularity of superhero comics. Besides, there are already two separate movements to quit superhero comics (one for DC for its treatment of Alan

I think that he hasn't been quite sure where to take it since the last arc finished. Throw in the fact that it sounds like he is still dealing with the Goon film despite it idling. I'm sure that he is waiting for that to go one way or another and, until it does, he has to be involved with rewrites and funding and

As a big Goon fan, I can say that it stays mostly juvenile through out the run though Powell increasingly punctuates it with shots of genuine intelligence, wit and pathos.

If Miéville cleverness annoying than you should run, not walk, away from him and his other works because that is where his charm lies. In his best novels, he starts out clever, moves to too clever by half, and then starts adding half after half until you start to revel in his creativity and intelligence or, I assume,

I agree. I picked up Crazy for You despite some pretty harsh reviews because Amazon was selling it for super cheap. The fact that I found it to be so enjoyable was unexpected.

What kills me about this show was that it didn't show why the executives made their choice. It just announced the decision. It seemed the obviously better concept lost so I would really want to know why?

"the possibility that he might hear a criticism, think it's valid, and adjust his behavior accordingly."

Eh, I can't say that I am in any ways looking forward to this, but Matthew Perry is a pretty good comedic actor. It doesn't seem like that bad of a bet.