
'California Stars' It might be the song that is the least Guthrie and the most Wilco but it is my favorite.

I had thought "Blood of the Lamb" was also a traditional. I was watching the movie "Marjoe" about Evangelical revivals and preaching and the subject, Marjoe Gortner, started singing a song with the exact lyrics.

SPIKE is great for Star Wars. They seemed to have had HD transfers of the movies that they were showing long before the Blu Rays came out. I'm pretty sure they still don't show the same HD transfer as the Blu Rays and I have to admit that I prefer it (it seems crisper)

I want to go on record as being pro-Gymkata.

The favorite piece that I own is a Replacements t-shirt that Paul Westerberg signed for me back in '91 outside of a show for their last tour.

Well, thanks Oderus! That was pretty fucking funny.

Every news story that comes out involving David Simon opening his big stupid mouth, I become more and more convinced of what a cunt he is. I will always have love for The Wire and Generation Kill but he really needs to shut his fucking piehole. No pie, David! There is NO PIE!

I just watched this episode and while I know that this thread is dead and nobody will read this, I just want to say that, in the first season of the show, I use to think that the big girls had the biggest hardship and no big girl had a chance to win this show. I don't think that anymore. Now, I am positive that the

I am very excited by this. I really like Barcelona and Last Days of Disco but Metropolitan was one of my absolute favorite films from the 90's alternative film days. A new Stillman film is a reason to rejoice.

To be fair, while your opinion that Stillman is terrible and overrated is valid, how you said it was stupid. It's hard to troll the Stillman crowd sounding like an angry 15-year old.

The GF and I just got into this show, a couple months ago (due to some prodding from the Extra Hot Great crew) and I have to admit that it is hilarious.

I know that I might be in the minority but I cherish the fIREHOSE recorded material. I love Flyiin' the Flannel and If'n and parts of Raging Full On and fromOHIO. Live Totem Pole EP is a short but staggering live EP (and included)

I love Flyin' the Flannel and I love If'n. The other albums I half-love but that is the beauty of the MP3 age. I can cherrypick the many, many great bits and leave the chaff in the ether.

Agreed. I bought it new for $5 on tape and had to search forever to find an illicit MP3 copy of it. Glad that I am finally going to be able to pick it up, legit.

My favorite picture of Watt is, after a show, giving an impromptu bass lesson to a young girl who had brought her bass to the show. That is what Watt is like.

I think Watt was constantly undercutting it intentionally. He constantly raised the spector of D. Boon (even dedicating every album to him) and he would say things like "We make records to promote tours" line which I really think was modesty more than honesty (they didn't tour that much)

I liked Ed's voice and his guitar playing. Plus, his songwriting got stronger and stronger (Blaze is, by far, the best thing on Mr. Machinery Operator)

They are touring this year. I am seeing them tomorrow.

I agree. The cult of Nancy goes back to the 90's and possibly back to the 80's with Gary Panter.

I have only read Pyongyang but I thought that had more than a bit of nastiness. I thought DeLisle came across as a smug dick more amused by the awfulness of North Korea than anything else.