
It's true. I can't describe it outside of the context of watching Bass and Fatone flounder for an hour and a half with some kind of anti-charisma.

It was a pretty solid crush and longstanding too. The problem is, with hindsight, I believe that I had many, many opportunities to act upon that crush. The attraction wasn't one-sided but a combination of being shy and being obtuse kept me from going for it.

You are right! Your opinion IS valid!

She has to be. She was one of those ladies who ironically(not-ironically) adored every thing like that as if she was in permanent state of being ironically(not-ironically) a 13 year old girl.

Bah. I saw Christopher Lowell in his prime and no ordinary bit of decorating can impress me!

I saw this in the theater with a couple of female friends (one of which I had a crush on) that were desperate N'Sync fans. I watched the film with no real idea that Lance Bass was gay, just that he was completely talentless. He couldn't act or sing or really do anything.

For me, the gold standard of adaptations are The Wizard of Oz and Starship Troopers. Both of them make radical changes from the the original books that spawned them.

I wasn't really grossed out by that scene in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, but I was certainly disturbed by it and several other scenes in that film. What a dour fucking picture that was.

"Ross and company deliver on the franchise more effectively than, say, the first Harry Potter movie"

I liked this. More of this, please.

Me too. I also found the implementation of Welle's choices to be inelegant. The original theatrical version may have been butchered but I prefer it.

I hate Nellie as a character and I don't really like Catherine Tate as a comedic actress. I wish she would go away.

RIP Moebius. His work was wonderful.

I am firmly in the Kirby camp. 100% in the Kirby camp. I love me some fucking Jack Kirby and think that he has been screwed (and continues to be) by Marvel and Stan Lee and the movie companies that adapt his work but you are right, the pendulum has swung too far to the other side and Stan Lee is starting to get

I really enjoyed the Christmas Special too. Hell, I enjoyed this entire season. Personally, I thought the first season was kinda bland and unoriginal (remember, when the ripped off Mrs Miniver?) while I kind of dig it being a little soapier and little less staid. The further it gets away from a kinda lesser Gosford

I have very little to say about this episodes other than I wish something more happened with Toby Huss' career. He had this little promo spots on MTV where he would play these bizarre characters like a rage-fueled cowboy or a Sinatra-like crooner singing Cypress Hill and some that were just these funny little

I had a (rather large) phase like that. It was a combination of being a young adult male trying to prove himself (as something wise and strong, I guess) and as somebody who was thick in the punk and industrial movements which were like these mad races to see who could be the most nihilistic.

"Actually, steroids DO give you the ability to focus precisely and be completely physically and mentally disciplined"

I can certainly understand people who completely discount Bonds due to steroids but they really are missing a player who, while augmenting his power, had developed the best eyes and one of the best swings of any hitter in baseball.

I like those last couple Replacement albums.