
Actually, Brett Pill is probably going to played instead of Brandon Belt is not because of RBI but because of Aubrey Huff.

I don't get it either. The script is lazy, all the characterizations were thin (particularly the females), the dialogue was lazy and the plot shouldn't have been interesting to anybody who has ever seen any sci-fi in the past 50 years. I could point at half a dozen Star Trek scripts that cover pretty much the same

My choices would be Dead or Alive's "Brand New Lover", one of the best slice's of mid 80's disco, and Young Black Teenager's "Tap the Bottle". I don't know if either of those bands are truly terrible but they never really lived up to the greatness of those singles. Also, I really enjoy Mickey Avalon's "Fuckin' 'Em

Yeah, the line, "Demolition Man is little more than a footnote in Stallone’s
career, a movie remembered—when it’s remembered at all—as another in a
long line of mediocre pictures" struck me wrong because Demolition Man is generally fondly remembered and often quoted.

I could imagine really digging on this 20 or 25 years ago. Now? Meh.

Yeah, this bothers me a lot. Not so much with commentators since we are the unwashed masses meant to spew out whatever comes to our meth-addled minds but when pros like AV Club decide to decide Chris Brown is reprehensible but Polanski or Campbell is okay (or at least, deserves to be judged on their merits) then I

Actually, Stan Lee has right to his works, he did sue Marvel in 2002 for increase in profits and ownership despite previous agreements and won $10 million dollars in settlement.

S.Earl is also wrong that case was, by a legal definition, frivolous. He was also wrong in claiming that Friedrich was "a criminal" because he lost a civil case. S. Earl is also wrong to claim that he was a lawyer when he doesn't know his ass from his elbow.

Yeah. Nobody believes that and, as proof, I offer into evidence you original post. Try something else like "naval captain" or "circus strongman" for your fantasy profession.

I just don't understand how Friedrich's claim is "frivolous". Right or wrong, if had the possible right to own something he created, in this case something with some value, and legal counsel advised him to do so, I don't see why it would be frivolous to try to do so.

I'm moderately excited about this. Sure, the movie wasn't good but it did have a couple nice elements
(all in the trailer) and it had something else. Room for
improvement. I really think this has a chance to develop
something a little better and while I didn't think Legion was good, I think that it could have been

My experience with the film is the exact opposite of Murray. Williams behind the mike was the only thing of any interest in the film as he was still kinda funny back then and, at least, had that energy and spark of his youth.

I don't like "screaming asshole embarrasses unwitting strangers" comedy either (I loathed Tom Greene) but you should give Billy on the Street a try. Despite the screaming, the absurdity comes through and people don't seem to mind his shtick.

I really enjoyed it, too. Unlike others, I thought it was fun ride from the start to the end and I really liked how the filmmakers were throwing pretty much everything but the kitchen sink into the film. Horror really shines when it is cheap and dirty.

Practically. They have two female characters. One is Cheadle's ex-wife who is either being called a psycho bitch or is naked or is naked while being called a psycho bitch.

House of Lies is pretty terrible. I feel bad for all the otherwise excellent actors (including Glynn Turman) that are in it.

Mummenschanz was the bane of my childhood. I found their performance art to be creepy and gross and they were everywhere in the late 70's. Childrens shows like Electric Company, primetime shows like Muppet Show and even talk shows like Merv Griffen.

"I can’t see myself tuning in later this season to take in the wit and wisdom of Robin Williams or Billy Crystal"

'Viridiana' was the one with the nun and uncle. It also had the famous 'last supper' shot of beggars that was ripped off in Altman's MASH and other places.

Just saw this and I think that it's a little better than the review suggest. Yes, the dialogue is clunky and the score is terrible, but I think the action scenes really shine. They really have a nice pace and feel and they aren't really much like the Star Wars dogfights, at all.