
I see the Associated Press just did a piece on this. Not a bad little piece of press but the title could be better.

That was very nice. Thank you. One of the best things about the Undercover series was that it turned me on to Wye Oak after that exquisite cover of "Strangers"

I didn't know that I had been jonesing so hard for a new Tom Waits album but I had. Thank you, Mr. Waits.

I'm surprised that he was proud of that tiny hooker sketch that he wrote fo Tina Fey. I remember it being universally reviled.

I have to give props to DC, their whole tactic of resetting the entire universe seems to be working. People are talking about it, people are buying floppies, several of the titles are getting good reviews. Marvel, by comparison, seems stagnant and, coupled with their recent layoffs, DC is truly ascendant.

Young Nick Cage was great. Birdy and Racing with the Moon are two wonderful, unjustly forgotten 80's films and he gave two wonderful, unjustly forgotten performances. He was even added soul to fluff like Valley Girl.


I generally agree that I think people are too hard on Cera for Scott Pilgrim. I don't think he any of the charisma that Scott is supposed to have but generally did a good job of being spacey, smug and childish in a very 20-something way.

I agree with you though I was surprised at Noel's question. Wouldn't almost any comedy from that time be considered too politically incorrect today?

I dunno, I think Zorro The Gay Blade (which was one of my favorite comedies as a kid) is pretty politically incorrect, all around. Latinos, women and mutes get harsher jokes than the gay jokes.

I guess that I'm glad that these animated adaptions of classic graphic novels are good but I just don't see the point. I tried to sit through New Frontier (love the book) and I couldn't. I wouldn't even try with Batman: Year One.

The first 10 issues of Eightball are some of the best comic work ever.

I actually really liked that movie even though I find Max Minghella offputting.

I did not like but I didn't hate it as much as his previous work so he is progressing, somewhat. Good for him.

My favorite falling-out-of-love songs is also one of my guiltiest pleasures. 'Brand New Lover' by Dead or Alive. I appreciate the cynical slutiness of the lead singer who admits that his lover is really nice and sweet but bores him to tears.

I read an article by Cameron Crowe, around the time of Singles, where he mentioned that when they shot the scene with the boombox, it was playing Party at Ground Zero (Cusack's choice) but Lloyd didn't come off so much romantic as a crazed Fishbone fan so they dubbed In Your Eyes instead.

Bless Fishbone and, yes, that band deserved so much more success than they ever go.

I really liked that cover, too. Is that a thing that is available somewhere?

Since we are on the subject of indie films and Christianity, can we talk about what a weird, wonderful film The Rapture is? How come there aren't more films like that?

That song had a crazy good bass line. It was a song that managed to be both dreamy and funky.