
I have never heard that Decemberists song on the radio and I live in Portland.

Idiotking, I looked at your past comments. Not just in this thread but others and you make pretty much the silly, petty observations that everybody else is making. You aren't laying down golden nuggets of wisdom or wit, you are just saying crap in the comment board of a pop culture website. You put your opinion down,

No, Idiotking, my opinion is

"It's not a matter of finding the right song.  If you didn't like Lifes Rich Pageant then you've just got bad taste."

In regards, to H-Dbag, fair enough. That does sound pretty troll-y.

I'm sorry, I'm done. I used to unironically love this show and then I ironically loved it and now I, just like Tyra and everybody else involved, couldn't be more bored. The few times that I wasn't bored, I was horrified. They aren't even trying to teach these "girls" how to be better models but to be better "brands".

For those that can't read:

You know what? I bought Life's Rich Paegant and Document based purely on hype. I DIDN'T LIKE THEM. I didn't like any of the singles I heard and some of them I completely hated. If that isn't enough to have a valid opinion then fuck you. If you think I'm going to listen to EVERYTHING the stupid fucking band produced

Yeah, but since we didn't like what we heard, we didn't get into those 15 albums. Can you blame us? Music was expensive and piracy was not an option. If you didn't like the shitty songs and Micheal Stipe's antics and activism, you weren't going to invest 10-12 bucks for their album.

Nobody was really being bloodthirsty, though. There is a difference between 'I don't care for this band' and 'REM is POOP and SHIT and Micael Stip is TEH SUCK'.

Can't seem to reply to your last comment so I have to work it here. You are an idiot.

I'm sorry but I disagree, highly. I think that an intelligent and enjoyable conversation can handle ALL points of view. Positive, negative and otherwise. I understand that you really like REM but I don't.

I'll take this as the 'not so into REM' thread and state that I always felt that REM was the most overrated and overplayed band of my youth. I never felt that they were as good or vital as their peers that weren't getting the record sales or attention (Replacements, Replacements, Replacements) and as they got more

I agree. I was a big Lawrence Block fan during his "golden period" (late 70's to early 80's) and When the Sacred Ginmill Closes is, by far, his best.

Replacements, Rocket From The Crypt, Afghan Whigs

(*warning 'cool story bro' ahead*)

Has anybody seen the various Bucky Larson trailers populating the interwebs that are pretty much just this weird, ubertan, unfunny guy doing a weird voice that sounds kinda like a bad Christopher Walken impersonation?

I would take a handjob house over a troll pit, any day of the week.

Private Benjamin. I got screwed. My parents purposefully kept me away from R-rated movies long past the time where all of my other classmates were gleefully keeping track of their favorites (Excalibur, Stripes, Blues Brothers)

Gary was a tool, indeed, but Bioshock was wonderful.