
I dunno. I hate the episode. For one, I don't think that it is funny, at all, in any way shape or form. The only good line was the 'screw you, children' in the middle, the rest was dross. There were few attempts at jokes even and while you might find this as a sly commentary on stubborn fans, I just see a weak,

I really liked that episode.

Ugh. That one was terrible.

"but there’s a vocal group which likes to pretend that their man Joss got
all of the dross out of his system during the show’s first season"

1. I don't know what you mean. Do I find them amazing comics like Krazy Kat and have enjoyed them for years? Yes. Winsor McKay, in particular, blows me away with nearly every panel he has drawn. Do I think they are 'overrated'? No. Neither of those comics are called the 'greatest of all time' with any regularity and

Just want to thank you from the recaps, Claire. You did a great job and that last paragraph about the show is spot on.

You will get no tears from me! None! You and the other 10 D-Bag fans can dance around all you like in your half empty stadium. We will be rebuilding! Rebuilding!

Full disclosure, I love Brian Wilson. I think he has been a godsend to the Giants but, beyond that, a show like this absolutely needs him. I really enjoyed getting to know all of the other guys but, let's face it, they are jocks. They aren't the most interesting people to talk to. Brian Wilson is. He is extremely

I disagree. In the 80's and 90's, the Niner were the most popular team by far, but the Yorks and mediocrity have killed alot of that love. Every poll for favorite Bay Area team that I have seen for the past 10 years have put the Giants on top.

Gotta disagree with the essentials list. Gasoline Alley was a fine strip with a nifty hook but it has become far too overrated, lately. To name it 'essential' over such brilliant satires as Pogo and Lil' Abner and such amazing adventures as Dick Tracy, Popeye and Terry and the Pirates, not to mention the singular

Does anybody think that this show was actually worth the effort? Every week, the show presents just a shadow of its true potential. This has been a really interesting season for the Giants, with many highs and lows. A great pitching staff, one of the best the Giants have ever had, and the worst offense that they have

Yeah, teams do that all the time. I remember that the Giants kept Barry Bond's talentless brother in the farm system forever to keep him happy. They also had Bobby Bonds as their hitting coach for a while, even though that had somewhat more merit.

Over? Wha? We are two games back. Sure our offense is terrible and everybody good is injured but we play in a shitty, shitty division.

The puppet WAS terrible. I remember reading an interview with Rick Baker who said that he was forced to use the original puppet from Empire/Jedi. He begged Lucas to be allowed to create a new puppet or, at least, significantly repair the old puppet but Lucas refused.

I agree with most of the hate except Jon Miller. Jon Miller is an utter joy and I love tuning into my MLB app and listening to him call the games of my beloved Giants.

I have to say that without the King of Hacks, Mark Steven Johnson, at the helm this movie has chance to be good. With the Crank duo behind it, it might be fun. I'm not feeling that trailer but it has got a chance to be a good time.

Happy that they are free
Kinda pissed about the arrangement that essentially exonerates the state. I would like to think that they could pursue compensation for such a gross miscarriage of justice.

I agree, Singleton is the king hack of superhacks. I'm surprised that AV Club is defending Boyz in the Hood which, while his best film, is as dated and simplistic and silly as everybody claims.

forum what-iquette?

I really don't understand the overblown reaction to this
Dude is praising his wife. He compared her to Michael Jackson. What is wrong?