
This article seems disingenous
You seem to be asking if "pop culture" or the world or the audience or cool people can accept and forgive these people when you really seem to be exploring whether you, as a critic, have to keep hating on these individuals. It seems like it has been the duty of critics and the pop

This article seems disingenous
You seem to be asking if "pop culture" or the world or the audience or cool people can accept and forgive these people when you really seem to be exploring whether you, as a critic, have to keep hating on these individuals. It seems like it has been the duty of critics and the pop

The first one was fun and the second one was much better, just astonishingly good. Everything else has been unnecessary and forgettable.

The GF and I watched the episode, a few weeks ago, and it was just too terrible. I can't imagine anyone actually watching this show on a regular basis.

Sid Meier's Pirates
Just wanted to say that they released this for iOS and it is wonderful. It is, for the most part, a straight translation of the 2004 version and has most of its strengths and weaknesses but it is robust, fun and costs only $6 so if you want to play pirate and you have an iPad, grab it! Now!

I, for one, HATED Matt Pinfield (or 'Matt Pinfuck' as my girlfriend at the time used to call him) He worked so hard to give the illusion that he was some uber-knowledgeable encyclopedia of musical minutia that he was actually never informative at all. He just would shit out facts and band names with no context.

A Matter of Taste
I don't know why I 'm surprised but I am kinda amazed by how these guys have so much money and just no taste whatsoever. I mean, I know they are jocks but they are rich and you would think they would hire somebody to dress them like something other than retarded 12 years olds with stolen credit

I can't blame him for signing the contract but I can blame him for every day that he doesn't live up to that contact which is every frickin' day he plays.

Owen Pallett is the KIng of Covers!
I really liked a lot of the covers on this but Owen Pallett's was my favorite. I haven't really been able to get into his own work (I tried, really!) but combined with his amazing cover of "Game of Pricks" from last year's AV Undercover, and I just adore his interpretations of other

I'm sorry, are you kidding? Kirby and Ditko's problems with their treatment by Stan Lee and Marvel comics is WELL documented. Both have expressed that they got screwed over by Lee for credit. Here is a Comics Journal interview where Jack and Roz Kirby talk about how Lee screwed them over (Lee stuff starts around page

I was watching the terrible 1990 Captain America, yesterday, on SyFy. You know, the one with the Italian Red Skull? Anyways, guess who got an executive producer credit? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't Jack Kirby or Joe Simon.

I don't think the last line was meant as a joke. It was supposed to be poignant but after the Millar-ish end sequence, it just came off as weird and out of place.

Dugan is just a little bit of fan service (I don't even think he is ever called "Dum Dum") and due to some clumsy padding (to give him a fuller, huskier physique) he occasionally looks kinda weird.

Schierholtz has said, maybe, two sentences, in both episodes. The filmmakers obviously can only interview those willing so most of the talking has been done by the more outgoing Giants like Huff and Wilson. Lincecum, too, has been a near non-entity.

Larry, I know the host(s) was real but I felt that most of the lines were canned. Fed to the hosts to provide exposition for rushed storytelling. Guess I'm wrong. It seemed alot better in the 2nd episode.

Claire, no worries. You really are doing fine. That said, I'm surprised that you are doing the recap instead of Noel Murray what with him being really into baseball and a NL man.

Crazy Timing
Knowing that there are those in the AV Club offices that were pissed about the Vulture's "Nostalgia Fact-Check" feature and pretty much claimed that they ripped you guys off, the timing of this article and their article on Dinosaurs being within 24 hrs of each other is pretty unfortunate coinky-dink.

Haven't Seen This Episode Yet
But the first episode, from last week, was highly disappointing. It just blew through the first half of the season without developing any characters or story lines. I'm a big Giants fan and this has been a really emotional season with the amazing story of Ryan Vogelsong, the rise and fall

I gleefully downloaded this off of Amazon as soon as I got home from work because I, like many, love TMBG yet stopped following them around the time they started doing kids records (not for any perceived drop in quality. I thought No! was very good)

Wayne Wang
"director Wayne Wang will always best be known as the premier chronicler of the lives of Chinese-Americans and Chinese in America"