
I love Minutemen, I really do, but…
fIREHOSE is really underrated. They put out some really great albums, Watt's songwriting was top-notch, him and Hurley were just a frickin' machine and Ed FROMOHIO's vocals (and songwriting) improved from album to album. Flying the Flannel and If'N are two of the finest alternative

That would be Astoria. I live in Oregon and I know a lot of people who do this. I have friends visiting Oregon who cut their Portland trip short to head over to Astoria. For the life of me, I don't know why.

He didn't say that at all but, hey, good effort. I like your take better and your probably didn't even see the movie.

I have to agree. Not about the quality of the show - I thought it was terrible - but it got the ratings where those other shows don't. If it gets the ratings, why shouldn't it stay? CBS is bending over backwards to keep a show just as miserable, Two and Half Men, alive. Why? Because it brings in rating and those high

This really wasn't so bad.
I figured that I might comment about this since, as far as I can tell, only Rabin and I have seen it. It wasn't bad. Pretty competent. Would I give it an A? No, but then I'm not a teenage boy. 14 year old me would have creamed his jeans over this, buy it on VHS and watch it a dozen times.

I have to agree. The editing would have you believe that she is a villain (or the closest to it that a Masters season would have) but she really is doing a great job. The more celebrated chefs like Stratta and Des Jardins have only been looking out for themselves and the others don't have the nuts to take charge.

Nice to Know that GWAR is still around
They are the KISS of my generation, or the Yes. I'm not quite sure.

I live in Portland and have eaten at Beast (Naomi's restaurant), so I can answer this one.

Lots of Rabin hate, tonight. You would think we were on Something Awful or something.

Sean O'Neal's Hair
Uh, is it always like that or do you make it up fancy for the videos?

I, too, enjoyed Tron Legacy. I thought the movie was fun and stupid with pretty impressive visuals and actions scenes.

Just saw it. Snyder really, really tries
This really seems like a movie where Snyder is trying to do something. It might be his most ambitious film yet. It surely is a thick stew of just about everything from the past ten years. My brother use to call films like this 'DJ films' because the filmmaker isn't so much

"how is it possible to have a film set (partly) in a 'caberet/brothel' and not have any hint of sexuality?"

The 'Cut the Crap' songs really aren't bad, at all. I'm not saying it would be a great album, but if they could have been recorded as performed, it would've been decent album.

Somebody once described Sandinista! as one and half great albums spread out over three records and I truly agree with that. I love so many songs on this album (nobody has mentioned "Washington Bullets" which I think is a forgotten Clash classic) and then there are so many that I wouldn't cared if I never heard again.

Never Could Get On Marcel Hate Train
I just don't think that the guy is really that bad. He certainly hasn't been any more egotistical or jerky than someone like Fabio, he just doesn't the same people skills.

I have been listening to the Marc Maron interview and he confirms that he was an early backer of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles guys and originally had the movie rights. He infers that he lost him and never got paid but he refuses to say that he got screwed out of it. Weird.

I'm Curious How He Lost His Money
He never got married. I'm sure his house is nice but it looks relatively modest. It certainly doesn't look some uber-mansion. Sure, he doesn't work so much anymore but he made crazy money in the 80's and 90's, so much so that he had to franchise his act.

I haven't played this game but I wonder if some of the backlash is due to the exaggerated praise for the first one. Dragon Age: Origins was really not good. It had unbalanced play, some pretty iffy characters, the blandest fantasy world imaginable and a story that was almost completely ripped from Oblivion. I haven't

I have to agree with everybody who (a) didn't care for Amelie's writing on this site and the tired snark of the Hater persona and (b) really enjoyed this episode. It was nicely paced and funny.