
Wonderful writer. Great talent. What a loss.

The original non-racist line-up of Skrewdriver split in '79 and, outside of some singles, are pretty much responsible for just one album, All Skrewed Up. Avoid everything else.

Aw, you're adorable!

Who is Bieber-hair?
And are we supposed to pretend that he is the new Dave Chang?

There is nothing wrong with original Skrewdriver. The other three band-mates weren't racists and have gone on the record as being appalled and embarrassed by Donaldson's politics and what the 'new' Skrewdriver was all about.

Has anybody checked out the Darwyn Cooke graphic novels? Are they any good? I love Darwyn Cooke but I'm unfamiliar with Parker so I don't know if that is a good place to start.

Your Heart is Cold, Indeed
I thought the Muppets were wonderful. I was originally disappointed that the quickfire was been judged by non-experts but I was won over by the humor, good cheer and the fact that they are motherfucking Muppets. When Elmo looked into the camera to say that he loved Blais' kid was

Thank you, Amazon
I first heard Telekinesis when they were opening for Superchunk. Correction: I didn't really listen to them, at all. I ignored them waiting to see Superchunk.

I read that. I care.

By most standards, Guys and Dolls was a relatively unsuccessful movie adaptation and I say 'relatively' because the Broadway musical is considered on the greatest of all time (in fact, NY Magazine had a round-table of Broadway greats who did declare it the greatest NY musical)

Broadway Melody (not the musical)
I'll agree that Singing in the Rain is zippy except for the the Broadway Melody sequence. Is it just me or does that sequence (while impressive on many levels) just has nothing to do with rest of the film.

Have to disagree with everybody about 7 Brides for 7 Brothers because it's pretty awesome. It is a creative retelling of an old story that we should all be aware of anyways (right?) with good songs and amazing choreography.

This looks terrible
That is all

This was my first Jodorowsky film. Saw it at the local art house theatre and it blew my little, 18-year old mind. I'm so excited that it is finally coming to DVD!

loudQUIETloud is probably the most depressing music doc ever. Everybody in the band admits that they don't care about the music or each other.

Little late on this but Ral Partha wins. Grenadier ended up getting pretty nice. Citadel, I never liked outside of the Warhammer 40k stuff.

I keep wanting to get back into D&D but I picked up a 4th edition book and it was not for me. It just seemed so far away from the D&D that I loved with its focus on special powers and need for miniatures and whatnot. Plus, they were never cheap but those books cost a fucking fortune now. Jeeziz.

Screw Cameron
Check out Gallagher's twitter feed.

Cage The Elephant
What the fuck is up with them? Their debut was both swampy and southern while being bratty and punky. It was fun debut with a couple of coulda-been, shoulda-been hits with 'In One Ear' and 'Ain't No Rest for the Wicked'. It wasn't genius, but it was fresh, had an original sound and I looked forward

He also made Santa Sangre, of course, in '89. It was quite good.