
It's nice but - c'mon - the big girls don't have a chance. One can't sew and one can barely move. One has a chance but it's a long shot.

Is it just me?
I love Ru Paul or, at least, I love DRAG Ru Paul? She is hilarious, talented and beautiful.

I don't love Todd Rundgren but I can admit that the man has gotten fucked over by just about everybody in the world.

Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom. It is a Chinese city builder game. Almost exactly 2 games that I don't really like, Caeser III and Pharoah. I don't know why I love Emperor and not the others.

I was really hoping that this was going to degenerate into Zorro the Gay Blade quotes.

Godfather 3 is pretty bad. I used to be it the "it's not so bad, it just had Sofia Coppola" group until I saw it again. Man, does it suck. Sofia is bad but she is by no means the worst thing about Godfather 3.

Syd Mead is still alive?
How lovely!

Nice try, anonymous internet troll. If you even bother to go to the link and read David Simon's FULL RESPONSE instead of the EXCERPT reprinted above, you would have read that David Simon claims that the commissioner has been "able to reduce the homicide rate somewhat in our city" by "by finally choosing to emphasize

I don't think the cop was wrong
Listen, I love the Wire but I don't think the Commissioner said anything out of line. It isn't a sin to not like a show. He is entitled to his opinion and, frankly, with his job, I could see why he wouldn't like The Wire. Him and others in city government have to deal with things like

Truth be told, after the Lost finale, I don't think that I really trust Damon Lindelof. I'm not saying it won't be good just that I'm dubious.

That said, do anything to avoid a 3-D screening. Do NOT see this in 3-D.

I thought it was a good movie. I think attaching Gondry to it will cause people to expect more out of it. It isn't 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' but it also isn't 'Science of Sleep'.

Every Neal Stephenson book…
after Cryptonomicon. I haven't been able to get through anything that he has written in the past decade.

Defending Your Life was great!
So was Time Traveller's Wife (the book). I actually liked Zwan, too.

@Cliff Hmmm…either I'm talking out of my ass or my Google Fu is weak. I'm positive that I remember that but I cannot find any corroborating links. Let's just have some faith in human kind and assume, for now, that I'm full of shit.

From all accounts, Lucas is doing a good job removing the original print from existence. The copy that was in the DVD release was actually the Laserdisc version because Lucas said that it was the best version that they still had.

I would gladly argue that you should continue checking Eisner's stuff out. He is a such an amazing, groundbreaking talent - funny and so very, very creative. That said, he is NOT subtle and you shouldn't have any illusions that you are going to find any ambiguity or even a gentle hand in his stuff. Just get over that

Casper And The Spectrals?
Ugh, shit! I don't mind a new Casper movie (really, the Christina Ricci one wasn't so bad for 90's kid entertainment) but the fact that Harvey Comics has created a "new, edgy" take on their classic comics is pretty repulsive. Why do you need an edgy take on Hot Stuff? He is a fucking demon,

I agree that I was hoping for more substance after playing around with Epic Citadel (and showing it off to anybody who would look) Still, this is just the first game with the engine. There is alot of room to do alot with.

It is Medieval Punch-Out though better. While we're at it, Rage HD (the other uber-beautiful iPhone game) is like Area 51 or other light gun game. It's like having a bar in your phone!