
See? I'm completely confused on people who think that it is better than F3. As far as I'm concerned, Fallout 3 was better in almost every way (even voice acting)

I got to the strip but I don't remember checking the radio for more choices.

I would just that this game is good but not as great as Fallout 3. Obsidian has fixed none of Fallout 3's problems and have added alot of useless micromanaging.

Greg Franklin DOES have impeccable taste in comics
All three of those were hilarious and the animation perfectly enhanced all of the jokes. Good stuff.

I accidentally spoiled the movie. My brother asked how it was and I told him that I thought it was a family friendly Jacob's Ladder. He stared at me, agape, and then finally blurted, "he is dead the whole movie?" Whoops.

I loved "Milk-Eyed Mender" and really, really wanted to like "Ys" but I couldn't get into it. God knows that I've tried.

Ouch. You're right. How's about, "if you want violence and boobs you can get them on Netflix Instant Streaming FOR FREE…or kinda free…if you have a Netflix account. Which you should. You totally should. It really is a great deal these days and with all the new ways to watch it like iPhones app which is really great or

I don't understand what you people are expecting? Sure the AV Club is staffed with pretentious, film school drop-outs that are too full of themselves and try too much to write like an early 90's Film Comment essay and they are wrong seeming all the time (Scott Pilgrim? Come on! Jeezis!) but THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LIKE

Really? Rueben Blades as an actor kinda bugs me. I don't know why. There was a period in Hollywood where he played 50% of the Latino roles and it just really annoyed me.

Machete Coulda/Shoulda Been Awesome
At it's best, Machete is several shades of awesome and exactly the kinda neo-Grindhouse film that Rodriguez originally shoulda made (instead of that odd Carpenter thing that he did) but it occasionally is at it's best.

Public Enemy, Public Enemy and Public Enemy
Maybe you kids are too young to remember, but It Takes a Nation of Millions was a fucking gamechanger and then they followed it with Fear of a Black Planet. Man, they used to be so good and…now? Not so much.

Man, was Superman Returns the last thing that everybody wanted or what? I mean it is such a weird, personal and occasionally creepy film. Yeesh!

Throw me in the 'Cut the Crap' isn't a Clash album group. Hell, there are bootlegs of the new lineup of the Clash playing those songs and they sound completely different (and better!) Everybody knows that Strummer laid down the vocals sick and then Rhodes shit synthesizers and drum machines and looped the vocals and

I loved Lord of the Rings. I have reread it many times but I can barely imagine somebody who fell a love with it in the beginning. I mean you weren't really reading through the Tom Bombadil stuff going "oh, this is the tits!" were you?

G stands for generation. It's not proportional so your 386 vs. 486 comparison is apt.

Piranha 3D Tried
It tried very hard to be smart, scary, funny or relevant but mostly failed. The 3D was unimaginative and the mostly CGI gore was mostly cringe-free.

The funniest thing I saw on Dinner for Five…
was Faizon Love doing an impersonation of Ice Cube directing.

I'm not sure that I would really say that I 'trust' AV Club more than other any other site. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the personalities, like their writing and respect their opinions, but I don't think I really trust that their opinion will be any similar to mine. I find that they shit on many things that I find

Honest Question
What is an 'extraordinary minister' in the Catholic Church? Is it a specific title or was he just that much better than all of the other ministers?

Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour
Your review was spot on. The book managed to be satisfying and disappointing at the same time.