I think the show's better for not being on Adult Swim- it's all the more remarkable for the knowledge of what they're getting away with on what's ostensibly a kids' show.
I think the show's better for not being on Adult Swim- it's all the more remarkable for the knowledge of what they're getting away with on what's ostensibly a kids' show.
I'm torn about Animaniacs, actually. I definitely loved it as a kid, but now that I'm an adult and own the DVDs, I could make the case that I'm re-discovering the show, and picking up on a lot of jokes that I didn't come close to catching the first time- seriously, how many of us were going to pick up on things like…
Y'know, this seems as good a forum as any for me to broadcast my desire for a TV Club recap of Adventure Time. I don't care how unlikely it is, if the site's gonna recap Jersey Shore, I'm gonna take a chance and stump for Adventure Time.
Adventure Time
And if anyone says otherwise, I'll kick your butt… at Nintendo.
Also- everything else that's great about this show, which will hopefully be pointed out by commenters who are considerably less lazy than me.
I say go for it. The sheer density of pop culture references alone should make it appealing to anyone who's taken the time to set up an AV Club user account.
Expertly done.
Count me in on the Fred love. I've never heard anyone say anything bad about her character, and I'd be shocked if I did.
It… can't. It just… can't. Unless that was a scene from a David Cronenberg film, in which case, maybe.
… I'm only a little ashamed to admit that I couldn't make it past the first picture. HOLY GOD that's terrifying.
I feel like those dumbasses would volunteer to be part of the suit, even as the people being sued, just to show juggalo solidarity… so her plan to sue MIGHT actually work.
Yeah, I figured it would have been up well before now, but it was totally worth the wait. The Internet wins indeed.
Y'know, all jokes aside…
This is a case of a woman being assaulted by a horde of angry, violent people. That's pretty messed up.
I hope not.
The end of 'Dead End'
Am I really the first person to comment on Angel's leaving the giant 'Cops Suck' sign on Lindsey's truck? Maybe it's just me, but I can't help but be tickled when someone who's over 200 years old and has literally been to Hell and back stoops to pulling immature pranks.
That made the most sense, but I didn't want to risk missing something.
That comment from Lane about buying into his wife's claims (or taunts) that everyone left him to vacation together sold the social distance between Lane and the others in the office perfectly.
Dream of a Lifetime
Has to be one of my favorite sketches. How can you not enjoy comedy based around the disappointment of dying children?
I don't think we've seen Hildy, but I hope we do soon. I love this season already but there are still a lot of characters I really hope we get to catch up with. Anyone else really excited for the (hopefully) inevitable episode where we check in on everyone from the office who didn't get to join Sterling Cooper…
Roger's forced Santa bit…
had to be one of the best examples I've seen of something being equally brutal and funny. Harry's muttered apology was GREAT, and the "fuhrer" exchange between Don and Roger is a new favorite example of how terrifically those two work together.