
Ah, are we back to this again?

"Fleetwood Mac Sex Pants new band name I called it."

"Is a gerbil marrying a rabbit?"

I really like how they handled it in Ron and Diane too, that Diane wasn't threatened by Tammy but by the intimacy Leslie and Ron have. Their friendship is so nice.

Important counter-opinion:

It's true. "Ian" was more fun to watch and made fun-cheesy soap opera sexy faces, while J. Cole basically ran around in circles and looked exasperated.

They've sort of done that before though. This had the added shock of seeing the camera guys, and it really worked for me.

They've sort of done that before though. This had the added shock of seeing the camera guys, and it really worked for me.

I agree. Jenna Fischer killed it.

I agree. Jenna Fischer killed it.

Who Charted was great this week. I love when Howard's wikipedia research steers him wrong. And Adam Scott's always game on podcasts.

I've listened to Farts and Procreation a bunch of times, and Wittels jumping in with "This disco sucks, man" always cracks me up cause I always forget it's coming.

I've listened to Farts and Procreation a bunch of times, and Wittels jumping in with "This disco sucks, man" always cracks me up cause I always forget it's coming.

My first episode was Amy Poehler and The Bangles, and I didn't realize that Adam Pally's stand up comedian character was a character. I was so confused why they had Amy on the show with this random guy haha.

My first episode was Amy Poehler and The Bangles, and I didn't realize that Adam Pally's stand up comedian character was a character. I was so confused why they had Amy on the show with this random guy haha.

eh dexter did ship all his kids away and then never see them ever. if i were isaac, i'd go with hannah too.

eh dexter did ship all his kids away and then never see them ever. if i were isaac, i'd go with hannah too.

Also it was just so… bleh to give a scholarship prize to a girl who already had all the money and all the opportunities she would ever need.

Also it was just so… bleh to give a scholarship prize to a girl who already had all the money and all the opportunities she would ever need.

Get on your boots, bros.