
I'm not going to read TWELVE HUNDRED COMMENTS, but everything after the chase through Carcosa was bad. The whole hospital sequence just did not do anything at all for me.

Slalom is awesome. It's so fast and technical.


AND newest viral video on Youtubes!!!

Skicross/ boardcross is AMAAAAZING and I would gladly watch that more than once every four years. (I don't like X-Games coverage because it tries to hard to be XTREME.)

You're not being pedantic. There is nothing remotely similar between OT and a shootout.

+1 for "stirring the bob".

I was extremely thankful for having dual monitors at the office.

Maybe if you're Viscount McFancypants, third Lord of Stuffyton

Rastaman also wears 4X clothes for the hell of it.

They announced it over the PA and the dude still got run over v0v

Slopestyle is EXTREMELY AWESOME. Also they seem to have assembled that track much more carefully than the half-pipe.

I have had LOTS of problems with the streaming player, in IE, Chrome, and Firefox. It's not cool. It's also difficult to see exactly what is live at that moment, I think the site is poorly laid out. (Which is odd because I remember it being OK for Vancouver and London, when I watched a lot of hockey and soccer.)

I really thought that he'd eff Victoria in that scene v0v

Vanasse's makeup also made her features a lot softer on Pan Am.

This show really does show a lot more shirtless dudes than it does semi-clad ladies.

This list is basically worthless without including cable shows like Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, and Homeland.

Yesssss, I saw Xiu Xiu about eight years ago and left feeling simultaneously enlightened and exhausted.

I'd kickstart that