
It's kinda interesting that the actors became better as the plots became worse. The final season w/ the contractors and such just didn't mesh well. Anything w/ the Israeli spy was great.

She does! She can be a lot of fun.

damn, that'd be cold, I love it

Missandei is good, but Grey Worm just grunts and blahhh

My opinion: He's Azor Ahai, but Dany is the Prince That Was Promised.


Dry straw and burlap are quite flammable

No, but many homophobes feel that ALL gay men are flamboyant & feminine. Which is reinforced when so many gay movie parts portray these qualities. (As opposed to, as a gay friend of mine once said, straight men who just happen to love other men.)

No, I agree with you. I find it quite compelling how "foreign" they are to Tyrion. Also they're both babes <3

Yeah, I am getting very tired of Ramsay

oh you…..

Esp with the appearance of a young Lyanna

Yes! I saw them live recently as well and it gave me a whole new perspective on his talents. Dude was just into it!

Eh. If the review is correct then it sounds like two talented actors goofing around for two hours. There are worse things to watch!

I thought ya'll banned those???

I thought that was Shawn of the Dead…?

what about the Dornish kiddo that gets eaten by the Dragon? I can't even remember his frickin name, worthless plot…

No. IIRC Highgarden is the most northern place that can still grow crops during most winters.

as opposed to everything else in that film…? (one of my favorites)

Agreed, there are plenty of hateful "conservatives" in their 20s and 30s. It's not just old coots sitting on their cabin porches in Arkansas.